
The Book Literally Shocked Her

VF lived in Syracuse with her 6 children

After doing a press release about federal antipoverty money not going to the poor but to the rich, those affected by her expose ran her out of town. She moved to California where someone handed her the Sam Sandweiss book"The Holy Man And thePsychiatrist". She leaned her elbow on it as she sipped her drink and received a shock which went up her arm. She decided to investigate this person whocould shock her long distance. She went to India and decided to take the highest path which is to surrender each action, including when to leave the ashram, to Swami. However one day she ignored this, and left for town not having received permission. That day she was gored by a bull and ended up in the hospital for 6 months. An astrologer visiting her in the hospital told her that the day she was gored was her deathday.. and that Baba had saved her life. One day after she was healed her orders from Baba were that she should move to Arkansas. She had no desire to do this. Everyone she knew was in California, NY, or India. But she obeyed...and she bought a home near Fayetteville. After the deed was signed, the realtor and the owner both broke into tears. The house had been on the market for over a year and the following day wasforeclosure day. She stayed for many months. When she put down many roots of love, Baba gave her guidance she had passed her test and could move back to
Bangalore, India. Her house in Arkansas she gave to another Sai devotee.

RS, a follower living in Goa, was given the same Sandweiss book by his brother.
In his case, rainbows proceeding from it on the table played on the ceiling in his


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