
By Their Fruits Ye Will Know Them

India has more vegetarians in number and percentage than any other country. India is the most
nonviolent country on earth. Hundreds can sit patiently crosslegged on the floor for hours, while
in the West, perhaps 1/3 that number can be accommodated in wooden or metal chairs. In small
villages one can see everyone walking around anthills.. near a train station. It is understood
the ants also have a right to be here.

Because Baba has over 100 million followers and because they begin to obey Him, making significant
changes... working for peace and to end poverty, reducing medications, eliminating animal products, avoiding conspicuous consumption,
living simply... the international cartels of billionaires and centimillionaires who keep wars, execution chambers, slaughterhouses, and isolation going
have run a disinformation campaign. Baba has said about such campaigns of lying:

Diamonds shine more brightly foiled by black velvet.
Fools deride Me when I descend into human form. Bhagavad Gita


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