I am sending a story about my husband's earthly death. Frank Meszaros had prostate cancer and a tumor on his spine paralyzed him from the nipples down. He was hospitalized for a few months and grew to be uncomfortable with the medical profession because so many mistakes were made in the hospital by nurses and doctors. When he was released from the hospital, he and I had to adjust to a new world of creating mobility for him. We changed our eating habits to a macrobiotic diet and continued to offer prayer to Sai Baba. A new alter was made in the dinning room where Frank's hospital bed was placed. The alter was filled with pictures of Baba, a hawk feather given to Frank by a Mayan Priest, and pictures that related to his Catholic up bringing.
Frank's heavenly journey when he died October 30, 1998, reminded me or a scene from Forrest Gump. When Forrest visited his mother, she informed him that she would soon return to God's home. It was so simply stated without fear or tears. Frank went through such a natural, peaceful process that I was so privileged to share. Part of creation's plan allowed for the natural process of dying. As the autumn leaves gently released themselves from the trees of their life to become recycled in an ever changing process, it seemed symbolic of Frank's mind and spirit releasing the earth body.
I was unaware of his fate or nearing death when he first told me of his nightly visits with ‘Baba’ (Sai Baba). He gave me simple messages from Baba. Baba says: ‘Tell the truth; Love everyone at first (judgment) then you will know to love them always; Just be yourself always and not worry; Love (Sai-Love) men and women in the same way — no competition; Life is living and not going from expectation to expectation; Baba says that he is inside of you always — you don't have to go any where to find him; Just be — no need for egotism; Everyone is connected — part of One.’ As Frank spoke these simple words, his eyes seemed focused above and his body language expressed a greater knowing beyond the words and this life time. One night Frank prayed to Baba and asked him if he could be a girl in his next life. I was surprised at this request and asked Frank about it. He had no answer; he only wondered why the whole world has not learned ‘real love.’
When Frank entered a stage of seeing ‘imaginary people,’ they were very real to him. I told him that he was much more perceptive than I and he needed to guide me as to where to walk so I would not hurt the other people. He obliged. It almost seemed appropriate as all soul’s eve approached that he could be on two planes — the earth and the ethereal. I e-mailed a friend, ‘Last night he slept with one eye open. One looking in and one looking out. He is so peaceful on his new journey.’ His travels on another consciousness was normal according to the Hospice helpers and they explained that he may talk to them and see many people he once knew who passed before him.
In another e-mail, I write, “He speaks of death, now. Sometimes slightly scared because he will miss me but he adds, ‘You can always think of me.’” It seemed that he was more concerned for me. Wednesday morning, Carol Gallardo and I laughed and joked as we proof read the newsletter to take it to the printer. He said, ‘I always loved hearing you two laugh.’ That was the last complete sentence I heard him speak. Frank, who loved to elaborate, had taken on such simple word usage.
As Frank’s mind and soul were on a new journey his body slowly began the natural process of closing down. Each system slowed then stopped until the final last big inhalation and the heart then stopped. The body has its own orderly way of closing down. Hospital care confuses the body by intravenous feeding when the digestive system is closing or giving oxygen to a respiratory system that needs only shallow slow breaths. The natural closing of the body is truly a beautiful process. I saw only a great peacefulness in Frank. I took a wet washcloth and let drops of water fall on to his tongue and lips. I suspect that this deed was for my comfort and not for his. I learned the death process is natural and not to be feared. I have no idea what I perceived before. All that I can conger up is one minute you’re alive and the next you’re not because I was unaware that it was a process.
It also appeared that Frank was having out of body experiences. More than once, I heard foot steps in the kitchen and went to check on the sounds origin. Then I checked with Frank and he told me that he was ‘just walking.’
The morning that he passed, Tony Gallardo found a lost medal of St. Christopher in his shoe apparently at the time Frank passed to his new life and concluded that Frank had died.For his last earthly night, he was circled by friends. Bobbi Holliday lead a peaceful ceremony for his new journey.
Friday morning Frank, my life partner, died. Many friends soon arrived at my door. I was encouraged to relax and take a bath as they worked as if they were of one mind to clean my home and make food. As I bathed and meditated I saw a dance of oneness taking place as people joined and shared in a task without a task master which created a gentle, serene atmosphere. The unity of all was without ego; a connection to the oneness; and a beautiful sharing. It seemed as Frank’s words from Baba were alive.
The mystery of the ring began to evolve. I heard friends say to one another, ‘Is this your ring?’ With the reply, ‘No, it was just there.’ I had no idea about the ring until I went to use the phone and saw the black cameo ring given to Frank by his father sitting next to the phone. It appeared to just appear. I hadn’t seen the ring in over a year except for a brief dream moment the night before yet it laid so openly next to the phone which I had used
consistently. Could it be another happening from Frank’s out of body experiences?
Melva Oseka who had once been a Num, came to the home as she learned of Franks’s journey and told me that she thought she saw Jesus in heavenly colors approached her during her dreams that night but as Jesus neared she saw that it was Frank who came to give her a hug. She thought that this was a sign that Frank would walk again after nearly a year of paralysis. She had no idea that Frank had come to visit her farewell. The last words she had heard from Frank a week earlier were, ‘I love you’ as the phone clicked to hang up.
When the house was refreshed and purified, Mary Jo Rhodes led a Sufi blessing and each said ‘Thanks’ to Frank for being a friend. The group left and then returned about five PM. Friends shared in telling stories and eating and then Jil Grignon led a simple, powerful ceremony with a visualization that a golden guardian angel would now sit on our shoulders.
Thank you for your sharing, Sai-Love, Marge
I am sending a story about my husband's earthly death. Frank Meszaros had prostate cancer and a tumor on his spine paralyzed him from the nipples down. He was hospitalized for a few months and grew to be uncomfortable with the medical profession because so many mistakes were made in the hospital by nurses and doctors. When he was released from the hospital, he and I had to adjust to a new world of creating mobility for him. We changed our eating habits to a macrobiotic diet and continued to offer prayer to Sai Baba. A new alter was made in the dinning room where Frank's hospital bed was placed. The alter was filled with pictures of Baba, a hawk feather given to Frank by a Mayan Priest, and pictures that related to his Catholic up bringing.
Frank's heavenly journey when he died October 30, 1998, reminded me or a scene from Forrest Gump. When Forrest visited his mother, she informed him that she would soon return to God's home. It was so simply stated without fear or tears. Frank went through such a natural, peaceful process that I was so privileged to share. Part of creation's plan allowed for the natural process of dying. As the autumn leaves gently released themselves from the trees of their life to become recycled in an ever changing process, it seemed symbolic of Frank's mind and spirit releasing the earth body.
I was unaware of his fate or nearing death when he first told me of his nightly visits with ‘Baba’ (Sai Baba). He gave me simple messages from Baba. Baba says: ‘Tell the truth; Love everyone at first (judgment) then you will know to love them always; Just be yourself always and not worry; Love (Sai-Love) men and women in the same way — no competition; Life is living and not going from expectation to expectation; Baba says that he is inside of you always — you don't have to go any where to find him; Just be — no need for egotism; Everyone is connected — part of One.’ As Frank spoke these simple words, his eyes seemed focused above and his body language expressed a greater knowing beyond the words and this life time. One night Frank prayed to Baba and asked him if he could be a girl in his next life. I was surprised at this request and asked Frank about it. He had no answer; he only wondered why the whole world has not learned ‘real love.’
When Frank entered a stage of seeing ‘imaginary people,’ they were very real to him. I told him that he was much more perceptive than I and he needed to guide me as to where to walk so I would not hurt the other people. He obliged. It almost seemed appropriate as all soul’s eve approached that he could be on two planes — the earth and the ethereal. I e-mailed a friend, ‘Last night he slept with one eye open. One looking in and one looking out. He is so peaceful on his new journey.’ His travels on another consciousness was normal according to the Hospice helpers and they explained that he may talk to them and see many people he once knew who passed before him.
In another e-mail, I write, “He speaks of death, now. Sometimes slightly scared because he will miss me but he adds, ‘You can always think of me.’” It seemed that he was more concerned for me. Wednesday morning, Carol Gallardo and I laughed and joked as we proof read the newsletter to take it to the printer. He said, ‘I always loved hearing you two laugh.’ That was the last complete sentence I heard him speak. Frank, who loved to elaborate, had taken on such simple word usage.
As Frank’s mind and soul were on a new journey his body slowly began the natural process of closing down. Each system slowed then stopped until the final last big inhalation and the heart then stopped. The body has its own orderly way of closing down. Hospital care confuses the body by intravenous feeding when the digestive system is closing or giving oxygen to a respiratory system that needs only shallow slow breaths. The natural closing of the body is truly a beautiful process. I saw only a great peacefulness in Frank. I took a wet washcloth and let drops of water fall on to his tongue and lips. I suspect that this deed was for my comfort and not for his. I learned the death process is natural and not to be feared. I have no idea what I perceived before. All that I can conger up is one minute you’re alive and the next you’re not because I was unaware that it was a process.
It also appeared that Frank was having out of body experiences. More than once, I heard foot steps in the kitchen and went to check on the sounds origin. Then I checked with Frank and he told me that he was ‘just walking.’
The morning that he passed, Tony Gallardo found a lost medal of St. Christopher in his shoe apparently at the time Frank passed to his new life and concluded that Frank had died.For his last earthly night, he was circled by friends. Bobbi Holliday lead a peaceful ceremony for his new journey.
Friday morning Frank, my life partner, died. Many friends soon arrived at my door. I was encouraged to relax and take a bath as they worked as if they were of one mind to clean my home and make food. As I bathed and meditated I saw a dance of oneness taking place as people joined and shared in a task without a task master which created a gentle, serene atmosphere. The unity of all was without ego; a connection to the oneness; and a beautiful sharing. It seemed as Frank’s words from Baba were alive.
The mystery of the ring began to evolve. I heard friends say to one another, ‘Is this your ring?’ With the reply, ‘No, it was just there.’ I had no idea about the ring until I went to use the phone and saw the black cameo ring given to Frank by his father sitting next to the phone. It appeared to just appear. I hadn’t seen the ring in over a year except for a brief dream moment the night before yet it laid so openly next to the phone which I had used
consistently. Could it be another happening from Frank’s out of body experiences?
Melva Oseka who had once been a Num, came to the home as she learned of Franks’s journey and told me that she thought she saw Jesus in heavenly colors approached her during her dreams that night but as Jesus neared she saw that it was Frank who came to give her a hug. She thought that this was a sign that Frank would walk again after nearly a year of paralysis. She had no idea that Frank had come to visit her farewell. The last words she had heard from Frank a week earlier were, ‘I love you’ as the phone clicked to hang up.
When the house was refreshed and purified, Mary Jo Rhodes led a Sufi blessing and each said ‘Thanks’ to Frank for being a friend. The group left and then returned about five PM. Friends shared in telling stories and eating and then Jil Grignon led a simple, powerful ceremony with a visualization that a golden guardian angel would now sit on our shoulders.
Thank you for your sharing, Sai-Love, Marge
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