
India and China

Baba has said that if it had not been for Sankara
India would have become another China.
He said on Nov 23, 1962 that He had turned around
the Chinese army, that India has no need of military
protection for she is protected by Divinity because
of her dharma.

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India still has traces of the rape of the country by 150
years of British imperialist rule and theft. There
are pockets of poverty.
China has had hundreds of millions move to the city, with
consequent urban poverty.

Indian temples feed those who come. India has once again
achieved grain selfsufficiency which it had before the British invasion. The British raj caused India to be enkindled by
English and England to be enkindled by ahimsa or nonviolence.
England now has more animal rights activists than any other
country than India. India has a slender
population. There are pockets of hunger.
China has a tradition of giving priority to feeding people but loses
higher yields in supporting animal agriculture.

India has given a priority to computers. China has more
factory workers.

Indians speak Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, English, Gujarati, Marathi,
and many other dialects. Tamil and Telugu are 90% Sanskrit.
Sanskrit has been described by William Jones as 'more perfect
than Latin, more copious than Greek, and more exquisitely
refined than either.'
The predominant language in China is mandarin Chinese.

India has more vegetarians, perhaps 300 million, than any
other country on earth.
The Chinese population excludes few animals or their parts
from consumption. However vegetarian diet is growing in
China. Bear farms, cat and dog flesh served in restaurants,
cat and dog hair made into fur are some international animal
rights concerns.


India needs more protection for children from child labor.
China as well.


Once India and China were equal in population. After
a brief period of violent sterilization caused by Indira Gandhi's son Sanjay, India has without force achieved more
population control than China has with forced first, second
and third trimester abortions.


India is one of over 108 countries with no death penalty.
The Chinese government performs more executions than any other.
Some estimate this number is 15,000 a year.


India's Hindus like Christians, Buddhists, Jews have had
violent encounters with Muslims. India has essentially been
more nonviolent politically than many other countries.
The Chinese government has invaded Tibet, is threatening
the annexation of Taiwan, has many times invaded Vietnam
in the last 1000 years, and invaded India in 1962, still
holding on to some of the illegally seized land NE of Kashmir.
China is currently putting great amounts of money into
its army, tanks, and weapons systems. Sai Baba, guru of
over 100 million, has said India needs no military protection
for it has divine protection.

China has employed psychics native to other countries as
part of its international 5th column.


India is a parliamentary democracy. Some question whether or
not Arjun Singh, who recently announced he is a Christian,
has been an agent of British capitalism.
China is a dictatorship.


India is predominantly Hindu, but tolerates Muslim, Buddhist,
Christian, Sikh, Jain and other religions. Hindu antagonism
to Christian missionaries has historical roots, with
British invaders arriving with Christian missionaries
and slaughterhouse products.
The Chinese government is officially atheist and has
had violent oppression of Falun Gong, Christian and
other missionaries. In Tibet and elsewhere, the Chinese
government has murdered Buddhists, some of whom have escaped
to India.


India has more freedom of speech than the US since its
media is less controlled by corporate war profiteers.
The Chinese government has internet censorship.


Corruption in business exists in India as in many places.
China's marketing has been called unethical.
China Japan Switzerland have been lending money to
those raining violence on Iraq and Afghanistan, like gloved
men paying others to do their violence.


India has had a woman PM, Indira Gandhi. Like all countries,
India and China have much remaining work in this area.


Educational chauvinism aside, India has the highest number
of PhD's in percentage and actual numbers in the world.
China also has a high number.

One can judge neither country by its expatriates.
Srila Prabhupad said "shake India and the materialists
fall to the U.S.".ENVIRONMENT

The ahimsa or universal nonviolence in India has included
besides people, mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, also
insects and plants. Nevertheless India needs trillions more
fruit and nut trees and other plants to bring back rain
to desert areas.

China's environmental quality is considered one of the
world's worst. As in the US, factories have been allowed
to pollute.


India has perhaps the best preserved train system in the world.
China, like Japan and France, has advanced and rapid trains.


India does not have as many mines as China.
China and the US have high numbers of mine fatalities.


Both India and China have pockets of xenophobia.


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