
A River Of Supply.. or Money Miracles

The writer covered the Democrat and Republican conventions in 1988 for the
animal rights movement, though she was short on funds. On her return trip with her sister's credit card she traveled, sleeping in the car and bathing in motel and hotel pools. She had left California traveling east with 25 cents cash. She came to a Stop n Shop in Kansas and upon going in saw that the clerk was denying a man in his 30's the right to buy beer, though he was not the driver, because he did not have
ID. Disliking force, she bought it for him with the credit card. Unsolicited, he
handed her $7. A few miles down the road was a toll booth, the only one she encountered on Rt 70 between California and Ohio. God gave her cash right before
she needed it. (Nevertheless like a broken record she usually hounds Him for more.)

Another time she was in Sandusky, Ohio, without resources to get home.. when
suddenly there was $20 floating in Lake Erie.

A third time, with no money for rent, she opened the door of her Maryland home
and saw Nimbo there from Melsatosa, a fruitarian temple, who told her he had $2000
left, and that God had told him to give her some of it. He handed her 9 one hundred
dollar bills.

Her family has been a constant Ganga of supply.

God Calling: The branch need ask no support of the vine.
Baba: The baby does not ask her mother for milk.


Saiananda had once said that Baba does not materialize money. Some time elapsed
and he gave away his last $5... and then realized he had no money to buy his
dog Sathya some food. He was in a drug store when he felt money materializing
on his arm.. it was a $5 bill yellow with age. Later Mark B had called him
and said that Baba was causing coins to drop from the ceiling.


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