
The Saffron Rose

The writer disobeyed the ashram rules.. and followed her heart as she followed Baba to the Gokulam in Bangalore. As He got out of the car she knelt in front of Him.
He asked me "Where are you from?" She answered
'from your heart'.. He threw her an orange rose which He materialized.. and as she walked back to Bangalore the sky was an orange rose
full of petals of fire..then Dr. Bopaya came up to her with a stack
of books.. which out of his huge heart he was simply giving to her. There
are hundreds of holy cards at the ashram.. visible in one of the books was a holy card with an orange rose on it which said
' be silent like the rose which communicates
only through fragrance'.. The mind is a boat on a pathless sea.. opinions divide while Spirit unites..

Baba used to remind the writer about silence.. she would be gazing at His picture and see a ring of light around His throat.. many other
ways He has told her in kindness
(dreams visions meditation) to be silent
.. Baba does not fawn over His followers. He
is often a stern taskmaster.. and those
closest to Him are sometimes disciplined the most
for their infractions of His messages..
Sometimes 2000 or 200,000 people at the ashram have
had dreams the same previous night.. each
with a unique message for his own path..
yet there is no force.. we only harm ourselves
when we do not follow the light.


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