
Suburban Hospital And The Growing Ring

JF, a follower of Baba, for a while was a ward secretary at Suburban Hospital in Maryland, where some of the nursing assistants were jeopardizing patient health by an oppositional attitude. She prayed that Baba would give her courage to speak to the individuals involved. Day by day, over a year's time, the jaw on her ring of Baba became larger, as simultaneously she felt courage growing in her. She did
speak.. to the management and to the assistants... and worked out an agreement.

Nevertheless when it was all finished she felt she should have followed the
Bhagavad Gita's "It is better to do ones own dharma poorly than another's well." Baba: "I give you what you want so that you will want what I have to give."

This post is not writer's endorsement of the pharmaceutical domination, pricegouging, overworked interns, staph infections, turning away of the poor from emergency rooms, millions of iatrogenic deaths, toxic food etc. which are commonplace in American hospitals. But there are shining examples of selflessness
such as Dr Jonathan Lief of Boston, who vegetarianized his hospital's cafeteria.

Baba has said "Vibhuti is for people of faith. Hospitals are for people without faith." Yet He has built the world's best equipped free hospital, in Bangalore, India, where tens of thousands of free heart operations and other surgeries have been performed.


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