Four Stories Of The Divinity Of Matter
Ekagraha: "Do not ask the insane ego what is the reality of what
you see as a rock. See the rock as God... and it will
glow... it will answer your questions.. it will heal you.."
Ruby Lingam, from the Amarnath Cave
He repeats what Shirdi Sai Baba said so often: “I give them what they want, so they will want what I have to give!” ...
A couple of years ago Baba gave me a special gift, in a highly unusual way; I think you’ll agree the story lends weight to my assertion of Baba’s divinity. A man named Rouf (pronounced “Roof”), who owns one of the shops near Baba's ashram, saw me on the street one day and told me he'd had a “Baba dream” about me, and that he had something to give me. I was a bit put off, but several weeks later finally paid him a visit, and as we sipped sweet tea in his shop, he told me his story:
"Last summer I went on a pilgrimage to some holy places up North. Hardwar, Rishikesh, Kashmir, and then the Amarnath Cave, in Himalayas. It's closed eight months a year from snow, no way to get in. And in this cave, you've heard of it? There's this naturally formed Lingam, a huge one, made of ice. [A Lingam is an elliptical symbol of the Supreme Being, used in the worship of Lord Shiva.] Shiva and Parvati actually lived in this cave - it's one of the holiest shrines in India. So I'm sitting outside this cave - and suddenly these two white birds... What are they called? Doves. Two doves flew out of the cave. And as they flew over my head, one of them dropped something in my lap. And in that moment, I heard, 'This is for Ram Das.'"
"Wait,” I said incredulously. “You heard that inside, from God? Or from the bird?"
"Yes, yes," he replied, with the affirmative Indian head wobble. "The bird."
Rouf reached down and unwrapped a small package, and then held up the precious object: a radiant red Lingam. "Ruby!" he said. "A ruby Lingam."
"A Prema Lingam!” I replied, awed at the beautiful cosmic egg God had given. (Prema means ‘Divine Love’.)
"Yes." Rouf held it up to the light and smiled. "But the problem was," he continued, "I didn't know who is this Ram Das. I had forgot your name. So I prayed for two weeks, every day, "Baba, who is this Lingam for? Who is this Ram Das?" Finally, one night Baba came in my dream. He showed me you, and said, 'This is Ram Das. Give it to him.'"
Rouf handed me the Lingam, which fit beautifully in the palm of my hand. I was speechless - what a bizarre story! Like something out of Tolkein, except the "Lord of the Rings" who had sent this was the supreme Lord of Love, incarnate in human form! What an amazing leela - what a gift!
I held the sacred object to my chest for a while, drawing in its energy, and then said, "You know, Rouf, there's another interesting aspect to this. In the book I'm working on, there's a ladder of concepts you can climb to reach the Truth. Once you climb it, you then step off the ladder onto the Roof - the Supreme Reality, where no mind exists, where no concepts can ever reach. So in my book, the word 'Roof' is equated with the Supreme Being. And this gift has come to me from the 'Rouf'!”
God bless Rouf for passing the Lingam on to me, without the slightest hint of request for payment of any kind. May he ever live up to his high name!
Clearly, Sai Baba stops at nothing to express His love for His devotees... Is it not obvious, He is an incarnation of God?
His True Mission
In understanding Baba's miracles, it's important to remember His own words on the subject: He says that in comparison with His true mission, His miracles are “like a mosquito on an elephant’s back.” He repeats what Shirdi Sai Baba said so often: “I give them what they want, so they will want what I have to give!” He says He has come not to manifest rings or bless us with promotions and healings - the purpose for His incarnation is to usher in a new age of Divine Peace on Earth, and establish divine qualities in our hearts:
“This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illumining the Atmic Reality of each being in order to reveal the Divine, which is the basis on which the entire Cosmos rests. This Sai has come to instruct all to recognize the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the animal and rise into the Divine, which is his goal. This Sai has come to show that Love - Prema - is the easiest way to reach the Divine.”
Baba’s Own Words
And what does Baba Himself say?
“The totality of Divine Energy has come unto humanity as Sathya Sai. This is a human form in which every Divine Entity, every Divine Principle, that is to say all the names and forms ascribed by man to God are manifest.” He says He is the Father who sent Jesus - but then adds that we are also God, but have forgotten.
posted by Ahimsa Network at 10:47 AM 0 comments
The Divinity Of Rocks
God in a rock
If God can be in a rock... then why not in man?
A noted geologist who heads the Geology Department of a major University was witness to one of Baba's materializations. Baba picked up a rough piece of granite to ask the scientist what it contained. The geologist mentioned some minerals. Baba insisted, "I don't mean those, but something deeper." He continued, "Well molecules, atoms, electrons, protons..." Baba wasn't satisfied, "No, no, no, go deeper still." The geologist professed his ignorance.
The Baba took the rock, blew on it, and gave it back to the geologist. The geologist was flabbergasted, for the rock had been transformed into a statue of Krishna playing the divine flute. Baba admonished him, "You see, beyond your atoms and all, God was in the rock, God is sweetness and joy. Break off Krishna's foot and taste it".
The geologist found no difficulty in breaking the statue and tasting the foot. It was candy with a sweetness all its own. No wonder Howard Murphet one of Baba's biographers, has said, "Science gives but the first word; the last word is known only to the great spiritual scientists like Sai Baba."
If Baba can transform rock into God... and we have the geologist's word for it - then why not the human being already charged with the divine afflatus or divinely imparted knowledge?
Apart from his own prodigious spiritual image which encompasses millions of devotees, Baba uses the 3000 and more Sai spiritual educational, and social service institutions throughout the world to spread His message with the objective of transforming the common people into a race of enlightened Godmen and Godwowen.
From: Spiritual Impressions, Puttaparthi, Mar-Apr. 1997, pag. 52
Weeping Saris: The Consciousness Of Matter
Baba speaking about tears in cloth:
I asked that about a hundred saris be brought, so that I could select some for distribution to the women workers at Anantapur who are helping build the Sathya Sai College there! I selected 96 and asked them to return 4 to the shop. I kept the 4 aside and the 96 were placed in my room. Later when I passed the table on which the four discarded saris were kept (Hislop was standing by the side of that table) it was noticed that the cardboard box which contained the four saris was dripping tears! The saris were weeping that they could not get appreciation from me and were declared unfit. Yes! They had shed tears. You may ask whether this is ever possible. I answer, there is nothing in this world which has no heart, which is incapable of feeling joy and grief! Only you must have the eye to see, the ear to listen, the heart to respond!
Lord Mahavira, founder of the Jain religion: Kill not. Cause no pain.
Oath of Hippocrates: (Hippocratic oath taken by all physicians): First do no harm.
From a science journal: The fact that metal has memory is indicated by its tendency even after perfectly reflattened.. to bend in the direction it was previously bent.
From the movie "The Education of Little Tree" with Australian actor James Cromwell: One should be able to feel the earth through his moccasins. (This is not an endorsement of leather.. but an affirmation of Native American sensitivity to all living beings.)
Sai Baba of Shirdi: Never harm a snake or a scorpion. He will only harm you if ordered to do so by God. If so ordered there is nothing you can do about it. (Nevertheless Swami protect us all from attacks by snakes and scorpions.) -Sai Baba-
Professor N Kasturi, who had once repeatedly ridiculed Baba in the pages of the Indian version of the British
Punch magazine, and who was a management employee of All India Radio, became a follower
... his heart made aware of Baba's unfathomable kindness.
Once he was following Baba in a car caravan... one after another, parts began to fall off Kasturi's car.
When they arrived in the village, he took it to a mechanic who said "It is physically impossible for this car
to have arrived." Later he said to Baba "Did you do this miracle... because we are good devotees? Baba replied
jokingly: "Not you.. but the car... the car is a great devotee!"
Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 11:08am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Temple Resurrections
Temple Resurrections
Dynamos of Grace
Baba visited the foremost Saivite Shrine of India, Varanasi and the foremost Vaishnava shrine, Badrinath in 1961 in order to infuse spiritual power in those dynamos of Grace. At Varanasi, He created a unique jewel to be placed on the idol of Visweswara declaring that it has the mystic might to charge that symbol of the Lord with Divine potency. At Badrinath, He drew from under the present Narayana image, a Nethra-linga which was brought from Mount Kailasa, and ceremonially installed there, by no less a person than Sankaracharya about twelve hundred years ago! This Nethralinga when it emerged at the call of Baba, created a chapter in history; a Linga as the basis of the celebrated Vaishnava shrine was a welcome reminder of the basic harmony of Saivites and Vaishnavites.
Tradition has it that the present Narayana idol at Badrinath was thrown by alien hands into the Alakananda River and that after long and strenuous asceticism, Sankaracharya was rewarded with the revelation that it was sunk in the Narada Kund of that river. Sankaracharya recovered it and installed it at its present site.
Therefore, when Baba announced that the Nethralinga was the original nucleus which had to be "energised" by Him with suitable rites and ceremonial ablutions with the sacred waters of Gangotri, golden Bilva leaves and Thumme flowers, which Baba miraculously procured all this on the spot, even the Trustees of the Badrinath temple were pleasantly surprised!
Baba spoke of the Linga as being one of the Five Lingas which Sankaracharya brought from Kailasa and installed in India, and so, the wonder grew; earnestness to know more of this divine mission of Sankara was aroused in many. Those who know Him accepted the accuracy of this exalted origin of the Linga which they were privileged to see for some precious minutes on that never-to-be-forgotten day.Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 10:30am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Ekagraha, Amrita Fountain
Thoughts Of Ekagraha, a pen name for a devotee of Baba
"Even to say 'I forgive you' is an attack
for to think there is something to forgive
is to have the perception
that all is not perfection."
"Do not ask the insane ego what is the reality of what
you see as a rock. See the rock as God... and it will
glow... it will answer your questions.. it will heal you.."
"A first ray soul will feel like a fish out of water at
a second ray ashram."
"One technique in Buddhist monasteries is that the neophyte
fasts for a week.. and begins to hallucinate... then he
is reminded that nothing he is hallucinating is real."
"You are sleeping on the lap of God dreaming that you are
in hell. All you need do is awaken."
"If you say that God is the Doer and you are not,
you create a schism of God and notGod."
"One puts a plank on the ground and walks across it.
Another hesitates to walk across the same plank set
between 2 skyscrapers. What is the difference? Fear."
"Activists sometimes project their turbulence onto others."
"You belong to Baba: the planets have no hold over you."
"You are one with God. Therefore you are the Doer, the Dreamer.
Before some are able to act with Godpower on the physical plane, they
act on the astral."
"Do not be like those who use the equation E =MC squared
without understanding it."
"When one feels bad about himself
he reverses his magnet and repels people.
The opposite is also true."
"Repression only causes re-emergence later. Witness thoughts
as passing clouds. Detach rather than repress."
"Her motto was 'boycott everything'."
"Forced ahimsa (nonviolence) is violence."
"As long as you see suffering, you give it power."
"God has given you the power to make sin real. (or to melt away sin)
"Baba teaches not only that we we are not our bodies, feelings or
minds, but that we should go beyond identification even with
our souls to realization of our Godhood."
"Masters come not to preach but to awaken."
"I am the way means seeing Christ in all. Do not create a schism by
seeing the nonChrist."
"Do not stone Christ with literal truth."
It is said that the mind is the slayer of the real.
(Ekagraha is Sanskrit for 1 pointedness) (eka: one graha force)
I'm a medical doctor of about 20 years experience in this field. Now
I'm in private practice. I'm born in year 1955. The background: I
came to know about Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, India about 3
years ago, and ever since it I got stuck to Him as it was beyond my
explanation his miracles.
The incident: Now I don't write about second experiences. I write
first hand experiences, that's what I've myself observed. I pray Sai
Baba. One day I noticed liquid coming out the picture of Sai Baba
from outside the glass. It was pouring out from the site of his
blessing palm, but only little in quantity. It dripped down slowly.
My wife is also medical doctor. I've 2 daughters, one 7 years, one 9
years. There's no foul play. The question is: How can this liquid
issue forth from the picture of Sai Baba, from the glass outside? In
fact the neighbouring Lord Ganesha picture was 'sweating' similar
amrith also from all over the glass. How do you explain this? This's
the question. Since you expound the unexplainable, please explain
this phenomena.
Dr Madhini Bhanu Theja,
Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 10:25am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Master of Nature
Master of Nature
Master of Nature
It was on a cloudy June evening that Baba was addressing an open air
meeting at Mercara. The sky was overcast and gloomy rumblings of
approaching rain could be heard, not far away. In fact, the rain
poured on the hills on the horizon, stepped nearer and nearer, and
came as far as Mahadevpet, half a mile away. Baba spoke quietly and
calmly, holding the audience spell-bound, for over an hour and a
half; at the end, He said, " Now, you can go home, for in about ten
minutes you will get the rain that ought to have drenched you by
now. " And, wonder of wonders, the rains came, as announced, ten
minutes later, to the very second !
The Chitravathi River at Puttaparthi is subject to sudden floods, for
it rises in the Nandi Hills and heavy rains in that region in Mysore
State will bring down the waters many feet deep all along the miles.
The Prasanthi Nilayam was built on an eminence away from the village
to avoid these periodical floods which in some years invade the old
Mandir, entering the prayer Shed, the kitchens and all the
surrounding area. On many such occasions , Baba has stood on the edge
of the water and said, "Ganga ! It is enough, go back." and the
waters have not risen more. Some years ago, during Navarathri, when
the (Narayana Seva) feeding of the Poor was on, it rained all round
the Nilayam, but not a drop fell in the precincts where people were
being fed.Friday, Aug 5, 2005 - 12:00pm (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Texas Physician
Texas Physician
Dr. (Mrs.) Meenakshi Chintapalli
3722, Hunters Point, San Antonio
Texas - 78230, USA
Dr. (Mrs.) Meenakshi Chintapalli is a practising Physician in Texas, USA. Her husband Dr. Kedarnath is a practising Radiologist there. Both of them and their two daughters happen to be devotees of Bhagavan. They visit Prasanthi Nilayam very frequently for Darshan of Bhagavan. Dr. Meenakshi records a couple of instances of her experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan, in her own words.
Swami had given me many reveries, many dreams and many personal experiences in medical seva and personal life as well. Many a time I had very rough waters that shook my boat in the deep sea of life with tidal waves. If not for these experiences, I would have lost my health and mind both. Although the sea has tidal waves and rough water shocks, the anchor is the dearest and most lovable and loving Bhagawan who is the very breath of my life.
My husband Dr. Kedarnath had to have 4 bad discs removed as an emergency surgery on March 15, 1995. He underwent surgery for over 5 hours. We never knew, on the day of the surgery, if he would ever walk properly!
Swami sent Vibhuti packets, many of them, 2 days after Shivaraatri. Those packets finally reached us in the USA 21 days after surgery.
I had a dream in the same period. My husband and I entered a dark cave. Suddenly I saw a flood of light, which made my eyes flicker, as the light could not let me open my eyes. I still persevered in opening and peering into that intense light, that made me look at Swami in the Ananta Padma Nabha position and lot of vibhuti was falling. I made a comment to my husband 'why is Vibhuti on Vishnu?'
My husband said I was imagining things, as he could not see anything in that light. I held my hand and a heap of vibhuti filled my hands and became a 'Vibhuti Pandu'. It was so heavy that I passed it on to my husband. Next, a feminine hand, very fair and wearing a bracelet with Lotus flowers stretched in front of me, filled with kumkum. I held my hand and it was filled with kumkum. I gave that also to my husband.
Then lots of nectar, honey, food, rice all filled up my hands and they were so heavy and soaked that I did not know what to do. The dream ended.
After this dream, Swami's vibhuti for my husband reached us. The whole dream is so vivid and I can see the scenes in my eyes today. Was it a dream or a memory of this Atma?
Our family, our two daughters, my husband and I, planned a visit for India on the 29th of December 2002. My husband had started with back pain on the 26th. It got worse on the 30th when we reached Frankfurt. We had plans to visit Agra, Jaipur, etc after reaching New Delhi. Though we could visit Agra, we cancelled our visit to other places and went straight to Hyderabad to my parents' house, in view of the continuing problem of my husband.
We celebrated the New Year at Hyderabad with the extended family. My husband had a cup of coffee in the morning on January 1. By 6:30 a.m., he could not get up from the sofa where he was seated, owing to severe back pain. He developed numbness and weakness of his right leg. It was a neuro-surgical emergency.
Through a friend we went and saw a neurologist and had my husband admitted to the Hospital. I sent my heartbroken children to be with Swami than worry over their dad's health in Hyderabad. I brought my husband home on the 6th evening, and took off to Prasanthi Nilayam entrusting my husband to a relative to take care of him. At that time, he was in the wheel chair even to go the bathroom. He was very weak. He wanted to go back to the USA some how. He cancelled his engagements in India. I had pleaded for his permission to go and see Swami and lay the problem at his feet. I had no courage to go through the surgery again, nor did he!
I missed the morning Darshan on the 7th. Swami came straight to me in the afternoon of that Golden Day, the 7th of January 2003. He chided me for sending kids alone. He asked me if my husband was still in Hyderabad (Swami knows everything). He asked me what our plans were. I explained that I wanted to stay for Vaikuntha Ekaadasi, Pongal and then go to Bombay for the meetings. The ill health and misfortune had changed the plans. I reiterated to Swami that I was there to seek Bhagavan's guidance as to my husband's health, and see if we could avoid surgery.
Swami stood there for 15-20 minutes listening to me devotee. He created vibhuti for both the children, seated with me, who had tears pouring down their cheeks, and reassured them not to worry about their father, and that he was taking care.
On the 8th of January Swami came to me and asked me how we were doing and what our plans were, still testing my devotion and surrender. I explained again that my husband was planning to leave for the USA via Bombay on the 9th evening, after we went back to Hyderabad on the 9th morning. Swami said 'manchidi' (good).
I was in a shock!! I was hoping that Swami would tell me not to worry, that surgery was not needed, or to bring him here, or something like that. I was disheartened, dejected. I was close to losing my mind. I did not know what to say, but I pulled my courage and asked Swami, 'Swami, is that all? So, we should go back to the USA via Bombay, Swami?' Then Swami made a comment, 'If not from Bombay, do you go to the USA from Prasanthi Nilayam?' Some people laughed, and I felt that I had asked a stupid question, when the Divinity was standing there and talking to his devotee. I kept quiet and felt very depressed and disappointed. Swami moved on.
All of a sudden, a few minutes later, a thought crossed my mind that Swami was asking me if I would like to leave for the USA from Prasanthi Nilayam? I checked that with a very ardent devotee of Swami, seated near me. She also felt the same. I ran to the room, with sobs that were loud and uncontrollable, and penned very few lines on a small sticky note. I wrote 'Swami, you are the Doctor of Doctors. We are nobody in front of your creation. If so, why do you not decide for me about my fate? Why cannot you tell me what to do? Why will you not take my life into your fold? I am scared and I am depressed!! Please take care of our lives - Anyatha Sharanam Naasti, Tvameva Sharanam Mama!'
I returned with the note, and requested to be seated alongside the carpet, as Swami exited on the female doctors' side after the Bhajan.
If Swami wills, nobody resists! Swami saw me intensely, as I could not hide anything from Bhagavan. He looked at me as though that I should not have cried that much as I have Him as my very life-breath protecting me (Nenu neeku vundagaa, nuvvu anta edavaala?). As Swami looked at me, I waved the note in my hand. He tried to ignore it, but accepted it looking into my eyes. I felt relieved.
During the evening Darshan, Swami came to me and stood for about 20 minutes, and planned for getting my husband to Prasanthi Nilayam by the 9th morning. Bhagawan said, 'If you can make arrangements to get him here, I will send the car and take care of him. Don't worry, he will not need surgery and he will walk before he goes'.
Swami took care of all the arrangements for my husband's arrival. He personally instructed every person in the Ashram how to take care of him. He made personal arrangements for his special seating for Darshan. He made arrangements for us to stay at that time in the Shanti Bhavan. The food arrangements were so made that my husband could dine in the room. I should keep him company, and both of us were served in the room. He sent his car and Mr. Anil Kumar to pick my husband from the Railway Station, and He gave His car for our use till the day we left.
He pulled my husband out of the wheel chair on the 10th morning by rubbing his back. He personally went and blessed him on the 11th in spite of the busy Sports-meet day. He materialized capsules for his back pain, and also gave him a bracelet and a vibhuti container filled with healing vibhuti.
Every single day, Swami came and talked to both of us, cheered us and gave vibhuti many times. He talked to our daughters on the 12th, when they were leaving, materialized vibhuti for them and blessed them to come again, and study well. He gave us interviews on the 10th, the 15th and the 18th, when He talked to us only on spirituality.
We were able to leave Prasanthi Nilayam on the 19th with Swami's grace and blessings. True to Bhagavan's word, my husband was made to walk on his own before we left.
In one of the interviews, I requested Swami to use this body (me) in His mission. I asked, 'how can I, even in any lifetime, show gratitude for the love that Swami is showering on us?' He looked at me lovingly and said 'Amma! I want you both to be happy and I do not expect anything'.
I said to Swami, in another context, 'Swami Prema, Premanu Premato Preminchinapudu, Atmalu anusandhaana magunu' (When love loves the lovable or the beloved for the sake of love, souls commune). Swami said 'yes, I always say For Love, With Love, In Love, To Love'.
Well, my husband had MRI on the 2nd of January in INDIA, on the 17th of February in the USA. The Orthopedic surgeon wanted to do a minor, limited version of discectomy as it had herniated, and was very close to causing accord compression. My husband and I said no, as Swami advised against surgery. This surgeon had seen the miraculous recovery of my husband in 1995, and has known about Baba. He said that he would observe over the next 3 weeks. My husband recovered much more. We did another MRI on 09-09-2003. Lo and behold, there was no evidence of any disc anywhere. My husband has since been able to sit on the floor and carry on his duties as usual, as a result of the Divine intervention.
-- Dr. (Mrs) Meenakshi Chintapalli
(As sent through email to on 20.09.2004.)
you see as a rock. See the rock as God... and it will
glow... it will answer your questions.. it will heal you.."
Ruby Lingam, from the Amarnath Cave
He repeats what Shirdi Sai Baba said so often: “I give them what they want, so they will want what I have to give!” ...
A couple of years ago Baba gave me a special gift, in a highly unusual way; I think you’ll agree the story lends weight to my assertion of Baba’s divinity. A man named Rouf (pronounced “Roof”), who owns one of the shops near Baba's ashram, saw me on the street one day and told me he'd had a “Baba dream” about me, and that he had something to give me. I was a bit put off, but several weeks later finally paid him a visit, and as we sipped sweet tea in his shop, he told me his story:
"Last summer I went on a pilgrimage to some holy places up North. Hardwar, Rishikesh, Kashmir, and then the Amarnath Cave, in Himalayas. It's closed eight months a year from snow, no way to get in. And in this cave, you've heard of it? There's this naturally formed Lingam, a huge one, made of ice. [A Lingam is an elliptical symbol of the Supreme Being, used in the worship of Lord Shiva.] Shiva and Parvati actually lived in this cave - it's one of the holiest shrines in India. So I'm sitting outside this cave - and suddenly these two white birds... What are they called? Doves. Two doves flew out of the cave. And as they flew over my head, one of them dropped something in my lap. And in that moment, I heard, 'This is for Ram Das.'"
"Wait,” I said incredulously. “You heard that inside, from God? Or from the bird?"
"Yes, yes," he replied, with the affirmative Indian head wobble. "The bird."
Rouf reached down and unwrapped a small package, and then held up the precious object: a radiant red Lingam. "Ruby!" he said. "A ruby Lingam."
"A Prema Lingam!” I replied, awed at the beautiful cosmic egg God had given. (Prema means ‘Divine Love’.)
"Yes." Rouf held it up to the light and smiled. "But the problem was," he continued, "I didn't know who is this Ram Das. I had forgot your name. So I prayed for two weeks, every day, "Baba, who is this Lingam for? Who is this Ram Das?" Finally, one night Baba came in my dream. He showed me you, and said, 'This is Ram Das. Give it to him.'"
Rouf handed me the Lingam, which fit beautifully in the palm of my hand. I was speechless - what a bizarre story! Like something out of Tolkein, except the "Lord of the Rings" who had sent this was the supreme Lord of Love, incarnate in human form! What an amazing leela - what a gift!
I held the sacred object to my chest for a while, drawing in its energy, and then said, "You know, Rouf, there's another interesting aspect to this. In the book I'm working on, there's a ladder of concepts you can climb to reach the Truth. Once you climb it, you then step off the ladder onto the Roof - the Supreme Reality, where no mind exists, where no concepts can ever reach. So in my book, the word 'Roof' is equated with the Supreme Being. And this gift has come to me from the 'Rouf'!”
God bless Rouf for passing the Lingam on to me, without the slightest hint of request for payment of any kind. May he ever live up to his high name!
Clearly, Sai Baba stops at nothing to express His love for His devotees... Is it not obvious, He is an incarnation of God?
His True Mission
In understanding Baba's miracles, it's important to remember His own words on the subject: He says that in comparison with His true mission, His miracles are “like a mosquito on an elephant’s back.” He repeats what Shirdi Sai Baba said so often: “I give them what they want, so they will want what I have to give!” He says He has come not to manifest rings or bless us with promotions and healings - the purpose for His incarnation is to usher in a new age of Divine Peace on Earth, and establish divine qualities in our hearts:
“This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illumining the Atmic Reality of each being in order to reveal the Divine, which is the basis on which the entire Cosmos rests. This Sai has come to instruct all to recognize the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the animal and rise into the Divine, which is his goal. This Sai has come to show that Love - Prema - is the easiest way to reach the Divine.”
Baba’s Own Words
And what does Baba Himself say?
“The totality of Divine Energy has come unto humanity as Sathya Sai. This is a human form in which every Divine Entity, every Divine Principle, that is to say all the names and forms ascribed by man to God are manifest.” He says He is the Father who sent Jesus - but then adds that we are also God, but have forgotten.
posted by Ahimsa Network at 10:47 AM 0 comments
The Divinity Of Rocks
God in a rock
If God can be in a rock... then why not in man?
A noted geologist who heads the Geology Department of a major University was witness to one of Baba's materializations. Baba picked up a rough piece of granite to ask the scientist what it contained. The geologist mentioned some minerals. Baba insisted, "I don't mean those, but something deeper." He continued, "Well molecules, atoms, electrons, protons..." Baba wasn't satisfied, "No, no, no, go deeper still." The geologist professed his ignorance.
The Baba took the rock, blew on it, and gave it back to the geologist. The geologist was flabbergasted, for the rock had been transformed into a statue of Krishna playing the divine flute. Baba admonished him, "You see, beyond your atoms and all, God was in the rock, God is sweetness and joy. Break off Krishna's foot and taste it".
The geologist found no difficulty in breaking the statue and tasting the foot. It was candy with a sweetness all its own. No wonder Howard Murphet one of Baba's biographers, has said, "Science gives but the first word; the last word is known only to the great spiritual scientists like Sai Baba."
If Baba can transform rock into God... and we have the geologist's word for it - then why not the human being already charged with the divine afflatus or divinely imparted knowledge?
Apart from his own prodigious spiritual image which encompasses millions of devotees, Baba uses the 3000 and more Sai spiritual educational, and social service institutions throughout the world to spread His message with the objective of transforming the common people into a race of enlightened Godmen and Godwowen.
From: Spiritual Impressions, Puttaparthi, Mar-Apr. 1997, pag. 52
Weeping Saris: The Consciousness Of Matter
Baba speaking about tears in cloth:
I asked that about a hundred saris be brought, so that I could select some for distribution to the women workers at Anantapur who are helping build the Sathya Sai College there! I selected 96 and asked them to return 4 to the shop. I kept the 4 aside and the 96 were placed in my room. Later when I passed the table on which the four discarded saris were kept (Hislop was standing by the side of that table) it was noticed that the cardboard box which contained the four saris was dripping tears! The saris were weeping that they could not get appreciation from me and were declared unfit. Yes! They had shed tears. You may ask whether this is ever possible. I answer, there is nothing in this world which has no heart, which is incapable of feeling joy and grief! Only you must have the eye to see, the ear to listen, the heart to respond!
Lord Mahavira, founder of the Jain religion: Kill not. Cause no pain.
Oath of Hippocrates: (Hippocratic oath taken by all physicians): First do no harm.
From a science journal: The fact that metal has memory is indicated by its tendency even after perfectly reflattened.. to bend in the direction it was previously bent.
From the movie "The Education of Little Tree" with Australian actor James Cromwell: One should be able to feel the earth through his moccasins. (This is not an endorsement of leather.. but an affirmation of Native American sensitivity to all living beings.)
Sai Baba of Shirdi: Never harm a snake or a scorpion. He will only harm you if ordered to do so by God. If so ordered there is nothing you can do about it. (Nevertheless Swami protect us all from attacks by snakes and scorpions.) -Sai Baba-
Professor N Kasturi, who had once repeatedly ridiculed Baba in the pages of the Indian version of the British
Punch magazine, and who was a management employee of All India Radio, became a follower
... his heart made aware of Baba's unfathomable kindness.
Once he was following Baba in a car caravan... one after another, parts began to fall off Kasturi's car.
When they arrived in the village, he took it to a mechanic who said "It is physically impossible for this car
to have arrived." Later he said to Baba "Did you do this miracle... because we are good devotees? Baba replied
jokingly: "Not you.. but the car... the car is a great devotee!"
Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 11:08am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Temple Resurrections
Temple Resurrections
Dynamos of Grace
Baba visited the foremost Saivite Shrine of India, Varanasi and the foremost Vaishnava shrine, Badrinath in 1961 in order to infuse spiritual power in those dynamos of Grace. At Varanasi, He created a unique jewel to be placed on the idol of Visweswara declaring that it has the mystic might to charge that symbol of the Lord with Divine potency. At Badrinath, He drew from under the present Narayana image, a Nethra-linga which was brought from Mount Kailasa, and ceremonially installed there, by no less a person than Sankaracharya about twelve hundred years ago! This Nethralinga when it emerged at the call of Baba, created a chapter in history; a Linga as the basis of the celebrated Vaishnava shrine was a welcome reminder of the basic harmony of Saivites and Vaishnavites.
Tradition has it that the present Narayana idol at Badrinath was thrown by alien hands into the Alakananda River and that after long and strenuous asceticism, Sankaracharya was rewarded with the revelation that it was sunk in the Narada Kund of that river. Sankaracharya recovered it and installed it at its present site.
Therefore, when Baba announced that the Nethralinga was the original nucleus which had to be "energised" by Him with suitable rites and ceremonial ablutions with the sacred waters of Gangotri, golden Bilva leaves and Thumme flowers, which Baba miraculously procured all this on the spot, even the Trustees of the Badrinath temple were pleasantly surprised!
Baba spoke of the Linga as being one of the Five Lingas which Sankaracharya brought from Kailasa and installed in India, and so, the wonder grew; earnestness to know more of this divine mission of Sankara was aroused in many. Those who know Him accepted the accuracy of this exalted origin of the Linga which they were privileged to see for some precious minutes on that never-to-be-forgotten day.Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 10:30am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Ekagraha, Amrita Fountain
Thoughts Of Ekagraha, a pen name for a devotee of Baba
"Even to say 'I forgive you' is an attack
for to think there is something to forgive
is to have the perception
that all is not perfection."
"Do not ask the insane ego what is the reality of what
you see as a rock. See the rock as God... and it will
glow... it will answer your questions.. it will heal you.."
"A first ray soul will feel like a fish out of water at
a second ray ashram."
"One technique in Buddhist monasteries is that the neophyte
fasts for a week.. and begins to hallucinate... then he
is reminded that nothing he is hallucinating is real."
"You are sleeping on the lap of God dreaming that you are
in hell. All you need do is awaken."
"If you say that God is the Doer and you are not,
you create a schism of God and notGod."
"One puts a plank on the ground and walks across it.
Another hesitates to walk across the same plank set
between 2 skyscrapers. What is the difference? Fear."
"Activists sometimes project their turbulence onto others."
"You belong to Baba: the planets have no hold over you."
"You are one with God. Therefore you are the Doer, the Dreamer.
Before some are able to act with Godpower on the physical plane, they
act on the astral."
"Do not be like those who use the equation E =MC squared
without understanding it."
"When one feels bad about himself
he reverses his magnet and repels people.
The opposite is also true."
"Repression only causes re-emergence later. Witness thoughts
as passing clouds. Detach rather than repress."
"Her motto was 'boycott everything'."
"Forced ahimsa (nonviolence) is violence."
"As long as you see suffering, you give it power."
"God has given you the power to make sin real. (or to melt away sin)
"Baba teaches not only that we we are not our bodies, feelings or
minds, but that we should go beyond identification even with
our souls to realization of our Godhood."
"Masters come not to preach but to awaken."
"I am the way means seeing Christ in all. Do not create a schism by
seeing the nonChrist."
"Do not stone Christ with literal truth."
It is said that the mind is the slayer of the real.
(Ekagraha is Sanskrit for 1 pointedness) (eka: one graha force)
I'm a medical doctor of about 20 years experience in this field. Now
I'm in private practice. I'm born in year 1955. The background: I
came to know about Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, India about 3
years ago, and ever since it I got stuck to Him as it was beyond my
explanation his miracles.
The incident: Now I don't write about second experiences. I write
first hand experiences, that's what I've myself observed. I pray Sai
Baba. One day I noticed liquid coming out the picture of Sai Baba
from outside the glass. It was pouring out from the site of his
blessing palm, but only little in quantity. It dripped down slowly.
My wife is also medical doctor. I've 2 daughters, one 7 years, one 9
years. There's no foul play. The question is: How can this liquid
issue forth from the picture of Sai Baba, from the glass outside? In
fact the neighbouring Lord Ganesha picture was 'sweating' similar
amrith also from all over the glass. How do you explain this? This's
the question. Since you expound the unexplainable, please explain
this phenomena.
Dr Madhini Bhanu Theja,
Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 10:25am (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Master of Nature
Master of Nature
Master of Nature
It was on a cloudy June evening that Baba was addressing an open air
meeting at Mercara. The sky was overcast and gloomy rumblings of
approaching rain could be heard, not far away. In fact, the rain
poured on the hills on the horizon, stepped nearer and nearer, and
came as far as Mahadevpet, half a mile away. Baba spoke quietly and
calmly, holding the audience spell-bound, for over an hour and a
half; at the end, He said, " Now, you can go home, for in about ten
minutes you will get the rain that ought to have drenched you by
now. " And, wonder of wonders, the rains came, as announced, ten
minutes later, to the very second !
The Chitravathi River at Puttaparthi is subject to sudden floods, for
it rises in the Nandi Hills and heavy rains in that region in Mysore
State will bring down the waters many feet deep all along the miles.
The Prasanthi Nilayam was built on an eminence away from the village
to avoid these periodical floods which in some years invade the old
Mandir, entering the prayer Shed, the kitchens and all the
surrounding area. On many such occasions , Baba has stood on the edge
of the water and said, "Ganga ! It is enough, go back." and the
waters have not risen more. Some years ago, during Navarathri, when
the (Narayana Seva) feeding of the Poor was on, it rained all round
the Nilayam, but not a drop fell in the precincts where people were
being fed.Friday, Aug 5, 2005 - 12:00pm (PDT) Edit | Delete | 0 Comments
Texas Physician
Texas Physician
Dr. (Mrs.) Meenakshi Chintapalli
3722, Hunters Point, San Antonio
Texas - 78230, USA
Dr. (Mrs.) Meenakshi Chintapalli is a practising Physician in Texas, USA. Her husband Dr. Kedarnath is a practising Radiologist there. Both of them and their two daughters happen to be devotees of Bhagavan. They visit Prasanthi Nilayam very frequently for Darshan of Bhagavan. Dr. Meenakshi records a couple of instances of her experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan, in her own words.
Swami had given me many reveries, many dreams and many personal experiences in medical seva and personal life as well. Many a time I had very rough waters that shook my boat in the deep sea of life with tidal waves. If not for these experiences, I would have lost my health and mind both. Although the sea has tidal waves and rough water shocks, the anchor is the dearest and most lovable and loving Bhagawan who is the very breath of my life.
My husband Dr. Kedarnath had to have 4 bad discs removed as an emergency surgery on March 15, 1995. He underwent surgery for over 5 hours. We never knew, on the day of the surgery, if he would ever walk properly!
Swami sent Vibhuti packets, many of them, 2 days after Shivaraatri. Those packets finally reached us in the USA 21 days after surgery.
I had a dream in the same period. My husband and I entered a dark cave. Suddenly I saw a flood of light, which made my eyes flicker, as the light could not let me open my eyes. I still persevered in opening and peering into that intense light, that made me look at Swami in the Ananta Padma Nabha position and lot of vibhuti was falling. I made a comment to my husband 'why is Vibhuti on Vishnu?'
My husband said I was imagining things, as he could not see anything in that light. I held my hand and a heap of vibhuti filled my hands and became a 'Vibhuti Pandu'. It was so heavy that I passed it on to my husband. Next, a feminine hand, very fair and wearing a bracelet with Lotus flowers stretched in front of me, filled with kumkum. I held my hand and it was filled with kumkum. I gave that also to my husband.
Then lots of nectar, honey, food, rice all filled up my hands and they were so heavy and soaked that I did not know what to do. The dream ended.
After this dream, Swami's vibhuti for my husband reached us. The whole dream is so vivid and I can see the scenes in my eyes today. Was it a dream or a memory of this Atma?
Our family, our two daughters, my husband and I, planned a visit for India on the 29th of December 2002. My husband had started with back pain on the 26th. It got worse on the 30th when we reached Frankfurt. We had plans to visit Agra, Jaipur, etc after reaching New Delhi. Though we could visit Agra, we cancelled our visit to other places and went straight to Hyderabad to my parents' house, in view of the continuing problem of my husband.
We celebrated the New Year at Hyderabad with the extended family. My husband had a cup of coffee in the morning on January 1. By 6:30 a.m., he could not get up from the sofa where he was seated, owing to severe back pain. He developed numbness and weakness of his right leg. It was a neuro-surgical emergency.
Through a friend we went and saw a neurologist and had my husband admitted to the Hospital. I sent my heartbroken children to be with Swami than worry over their dad's health in Hyderabad. I brought my husband home on the 6th evening, and took off to Prasanthi Nilayam entrusting my husband to a relative to take care of him. At that time, he was in the wheel chair even to go the bathroom. He was very weak. He wanted to go back to the USA some how. He cancelled his engagements in India. I had pleaded for his permission to go and see Swami and lay the problem at his feet. I had no courage to go through the surgery again, nor did he!
I missed the morning Darshan on the 7th. Swami came straight to me in the afternoon of that Golden Day, the 7th of January 2003. He chided me for sending kids alone. He asked me if my husband was still in Hyderabad (Swami knows everything). He asked me what our plans were. I explained that I wanted to stay for Vaikuntha Ekaadasi, Pongal and then go to Bombay for the meetings. The ill health and misfortune had changed the plans. I reiterated to Swami that I was there to seek Bhagavan's guidance as to my husband's health, and see if we could avoid surgery.
Swami stood there for 15-20 minutes listening to me devotee. He created vibhuti for both the children, seated with me, who had tears pouring down their cheeks, and reassured them not to worry about their father, and that he was taking care.
On the 8th of January Swami came to me and asked me how we were doing and what our plans were, still testing my devotion and surrender. I explained again that my husband was planning to leave for the USA via Bombay on the 9th evening, after we went back to Hyderabad on the 9th morning. Swami said 'manchidi' (good).
I was in a shock!! I was hoping that Swami would tell me not to worry, that surgery was not needed, or to bring him here, or something like that. I was disheartened, dejected. I was close to losing my mind. I did not know what to say, but I pulled my courage and asked Swami, 'Swami, is that all? So, we should go back to the USA via Bombay, Swami?' Then Swami made a comment, 'If not from Bombay, do you go to the USA from Prasanthi Nilayam?' Some people laughed, and I felt that I had asked a stupid question, when the Divinity was standing there and talking to his devotee. I kept quiet and felt very depressed and disappointed. Swami moved on.
All of a sudden, a few minutes later, a thought crossed my mind that Swami was asking me if I would like to leave for the USA from Prasanthi Nilayam? I checked that with a very ardent devotee of Swami, seated near me. She also felt the same. I ran to the room, with sobs that were loud and uncontrollable, and penned very few lines on a small sticky note. I wrote 'Swami, you are the Doctor of Doctors. We are nobody in front of your creation. If so, why do you not decide for me about my fate? Why cannot you tell me what to do? Why will you not take my life into your fold? I am scared and I am depressed!! Please take care of our lives - Anyatha Sharanam Naasti, Tvameva Sharanam Mama!'
I returned with the note, and requested to be seated alongside the carpet, as Swami exited on the female doctors' side after the Bhajan.
If Swami wills, nobody resists! Swami saw me intensely, as I could not hide anything from Bhagavan. He looked at me as though that I should not have cried that much as I have Him as my very life-breath protecting me (Nenu neeku vundagaa, nuvvu anta edavaala?). As Swami looked at me, I waved the note in my hand. He tried to ignore it, but accepted it looking into my eyes. I felt relieved.
During the evening Darshan, Swami came to me and stood for about 20 minutes, and planned for getting my husband to Prasanthi Nilayam by the 9th morning. Bhagawan said, 'If you can make arrangements to get him here, I will send the car and take care of him. Don't worry, he will not need surgery and he will walk before he goes'.
Swami took care of all the arrangements for my husband's arrival. He personally instructed every person in the Ashram how to take care of him. He made personal arrangements for his special seating for Darshan. He made arrangements for us to stay at that time in the Shanti Bhavan. The food arrangements were so made that my husband could dine in the room. I should keep him company, and both of us were served in the room. He sent his car and Mr. Anil Kumar to pick my husband from the Railway Station, and He gave His car for our use till the day we left.
He pulled my husband out of the wheel chair on the 10th morning by rubbing his back. He personally went and blessed him on the 11th in spite of the busy Sports-meet day. He materialized capsules for his back pain, and also gave him a bracelet and a vibhuti container filled with healing vibhuti.
Every single day, Swami came and talked to both of us, cheered us and gave vibhuti many times. He talked to our daughters on the 12th, when they were leaving, materialized vibhuti for them and blessed them to come again, and study well. He gave us interviews on the 10th, the 15th and the 18th, when He talked to us only on spirituality.
We were able to leave Prasanthi Nilayam on the 19th with Swami's grace and blessings. True to Bhagavan's word, my husband was made to walk on his own before we left.
In one of the interviews, I requested Swami to use this body (me) in His mission. I asked, 'how can I, even in any lifetime, show gratitude for the love that Swami is showering on us?' He looked at me lovingly and said 'Amma! I want you both to be happy and I do not expect anything'.
I said to Swami, in another context, 'Swami Prema, Premanu Premato Preminchinapudu, Atmalu anusandhaana magunu' (When love loves the lovable or the beloved for the sake of love, souls commune). Swami said 'yes, I always say For Love, With Love, In Love, To Love'.
Well, my husband had MRI on the 2nd of January in INDIA, on the 17th of February in the USA. The Orthopedic surgeon wanted to do a minor, limited version of discectomy as it had herniated, and was very close to causing accord compression. My husband and I said no, as Swami advised against surgery. This surgeon had seen the miraculous recovery of my husband in 1995, and has known about Baba. He said that he would observe over the next 3 weeks. My husband recovered much more. We did another MRI on 09-09-2003. Lo and behold, there was no evidence of any disc anywhere. My husband has since been able to sit on the floor and carry on his duties as usual, as a result of the Divine intervention.
-- Dr. (Mrs) Meenakshi Chintapalli
(As sent through email to on 20.09.2004.)
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