
Asking God In Books

Souls further along than the writer know immediately in their hearts
what to do. The writer usually does not ask about her activities, but when at
a crossroads of many possible directions she asks God in meditation, through
chits, or by methods such as opening one of His books to a random page.

In London on her way to the ashram, she wanted to see England and
asked Baba for permission. The answer in the Gita was
'although the Lord is omnipresent He is situated in one place'.

They had been given a Pan Am round the world ticket for $1100.. which allowed
visiting 12 cities. Returning to the US from India they went to Miami, and then
asked Baba when to return to DC. In Sathya Sai Speaks she opened to 'today is Uttaryana when the sun begins its northward journey'.

They were watching JF's dog Cayuga while J was in India.
Cayuga had hip dysplasia. The writer asked Baba if it was creating
a permanent dependency to help Cayuga into the car and opened to
' be content if your seva (service) is to lift a lame lamb over a stile'

Another time she desired to reproduce a picture of Baba which would be freely
distributed without going through the timeconsuming
process of official ashram permission and opened to "the thief so intensely desired
the jewels that Krishna poured them into his lap".

Every Iskcon devotee she has ever met personally.. was exceptionally
intelligent, generous, devoted, pure, and compassionate. One, Papasteya, drew in 3 minutes time the sweetest little crying piglet inside 2 pieces of
bread...another animal rights group began using the drawing which had been given
to the writer to put on t shirts as a way to fund animal rights. She was feeling
uncentered about this and asked Baba.. she opened to
"the teacher should be happy when a student takes over her work"

She was speaking to people at the meat counter of a Safeway store about animal
flesh as a cause of cancer, heart disease, animal agony, world hunger, environmental devastation etc. Coming out to the car, disquieted, she opened to "When the fruit
is green it will not fall to the ground if you beat it with a sharp stick. When
it is ripe it falls of its own accord in the silence of the night."

During a period of intense emotional pain she opened to "the waves
pound most fiercely when one is closest the shore".
which could either
mean that one is not established in the depths of meditation or that ones victorious
journey is almost completed.

HS and writer awaited the birth of writer's nephew.. there seemed to be a problem
and she prayed to Baba and then opened to the only book she had with her..
one of poetry. The line which struck her was
"A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl"
in the poem Leda and the Swan by Yeats.
Shortly after, her nephew was born.

An evicted man wanted to move into our home. It would have meant giving up
D's meditation room. We prayed together and opened in the Bible to
"I was a stranger and you took me in."


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