
Ash Necklace

One Baba follower picked up a longsleeved black dress she saved for
formal occasions.. and saw on it a necklace of vibhuti beads... ash
held onto the fabric by Baba's power. A friend took a photo of it.


Handed A Ticket At The Airport

Baba one year had 2.3 million devotees
at His birthday celebration and gave darshan
from a helicopter. He has advised devotees
through meditation that it is better to worship
Him in ones home in ones heart altar.

No one can come to Puttaparthi unless Baba wills
it. No one can stay away if He calls.
One devotee who wanted very much to go had no
money.. and was at an airport one day.. when
a stranger came up and said "Baba told me to
give you this." It was a ticket to India.
Another person who has tried to go found an
airline strike the day he attempted to leave
for India, and since, other obstacles.

Anyone whose desire to go is great and whose
love is strong will attract the grace of the guru.


Animal Rights In The UK

Before her death after many many decades of animal rights
work in the UK, Peggy Mason, wife of R D Laing, wrote
a book about Baba, who was her guru, as well as about her work. It is called
Sathya Sai Baba, The Embodiment Of Love.

Same Energy

Baba told E to have the same purity with men and women... not to put out sexual energy to the opposite gender.


Autobiography Of A Yogi

Baba indicated to the writer that she had been in her last life a follower
of Yogananda living in California. In this life, she bought Yogananda's Autobiography
Of A Yogi... but it sat on her shelf for 11 years. Yogananda in it advises
to repeat the name of a guru 3 times. If one says Lahiri Mahasaya and Babaji
together, Sai Baba is the link between the names of these 2 kriya yogis.

Yogananda said to the writer in meditation:

The star of India is within you.

He wrote: Kashmir is montcrowned, lake-garlanded, and flowershod.

African Translations

Baba spoke to a delegation of Africans. Over 30 dialects were
spoken in the group. Each person heard Baba in his or her
own language, without UN translaters.


Virginia Bhajans

Hitchhiking can be very dangerous, exposing the hitchhiker to
violence, theft, etc. One person, though, not wanting to be late for Arlington
Virginia bhajans, was confidently hitchhiking, and was picked up by a kind carful.
When he said he was on his way to bhajans, the man in the back said "I just
left Bangalore 3 days ago, and Baba told me He would constantly remind me of
His presence in the US."

Orange Squash

Dudley Giehl, an animal rights activist, came to Maryland for a visit. With his
irrepressible iconoclastic humor, mimicry, and chameleon actor talent, his response to a description of many Baba miracles was "Baba give me orange.. Baba give me orange". In those days there was a fruit market on New Hampshire
Ave. In the back was an area where bruised and other fruit was discarded.
D went into the back and picked up a huge squash, not shelved because it was so
large. Coming home he cut it into 6 bowls, and still half was left. Orange was everywhere. Then he said
to Dudley "Next time you ask Baba for something, please be more specific."

Is anything more prolific than the fruit of the Edenic Garden.. 450,000 lbs. an
acre or more?

Vertical Rainbow

Joel of Los Angeles sarcastically referred to Him as the ‘character’.

Joel started for Puttaparthi cracking a joke among friends. “This character is said to materialise all sort of things. By this he is attempting to cover the lands from India to America, like a rainbow sweeping from one end of the horizon to the other! I shall expose him by asking them to create a rainbow”.

Before having a darshan of Baba, Joel was sitting on a hillock along with his wife Diana and another lady Pamela who had accompanied them. When Joel chanced to look over the shoulder of his wife eyes were transfixed.

In a few seconds he changed to trembling. He was sweating profusely. Tears pierced through his eyes. “Did I speak so slightingly of so great a power?”

What happened? Beyond the shoulder of Diana, up in the skies there had formed the spectrum of a rainbow. In no time it raced up the sky, hit the zenith and bent down opposite.

There was brilliant sunshine then, not a cloud in the sky. The firmament was fresh as though swept clean. If there be a rainbow in this, won’t there be a shock and a shake-up?

Joel’s amazed reaction turned the other two also to see the rainbow. For a time, they stood astounded. Being of the fair sex they broke into sobbing.

Dissolved in devotion to Baba they came to Prasanthi Nilayam and sat for darshan. The Legend of Love, without an inkling of the wondrous in Him came out of the Mandir (temple). The warmth of love to remove the ‘shivering’ of Joel was glowing in Swami’s eyes. A smile sneaked along the betel-red lips.

“Well, Character! How did you like the rainbow?” He asked.

From Ra Ganapati's exquisite book BABA SATHYA SAI

Samuel Sandweiss, San Diego Psychiatrist

The book, SAI BABA, THE HOLY MAN AND THE PSYCHIATRIST, by Sam Sandweiss has had an extremely wide
circulation. Some believe the title is compelling.. others that the laser beam
intensity of Swami's Shiva gaze on the cover is magnetizing. Sandweiss as traveled
to many Sai centers giving talks .. his holiness is apparent.

Birthday Publishing

Kicking Sand

One woman devotee knelt down in darshan line in front of Swami and He kicked sand
in her face. This woman had many masochistic fantasies, one of which Baba fulfilled.

The Avatar is Asritakalpalateeka, the wishfulfilling tree.


A vedic astrologer who like gifted Hindu astrologers can predict the day of death
was called in by Baba. Baba asked him what day it was. He suddenly realized
that his death day had passed. Baba indicated that He had prolonged his life.
He told the man to move to the ashram, and handed him a packet which contained
all the documents he needed.

Another man protested that his life line was short. Baba slapped his hand
and in so doing doubled his life line.

For the story of Isaac Tigrett:

Holding The Avatar's Hands

One man was holding Baba's hands in greeting. He wanted to touch Baba's feet.
Baba said no. The man said "why Baba may I not touch Your feet if I am holding
Your hands" and Baba telepathically let him know that the people he was with
were not ready for the boon of padnamasakar.

Summer Showers 1978: The tamasic receive darshan. The rajasic .. interviews.
The satthvic.. padnamasakar.

*tamasic.. the dull guna satthvic .. the good guna rajasic.. the aggressive guna


A River Of Supply.. or Money Miracles

The writer covered the Democrat and Republican conventions in 1988 for the
animal rights movement, though she was short on funds. On her return trip with her sister's credit card she traveled, sleeping in the car and bathing in motel and hotel pools. She had left California traveling east with 25 cents cash. She came to a Stop n Shop in Kansas and upon going in saw that the clerk was denying a man in his 30's the right to buy beer, though he was not the driver, because he did not have
ID. Disliking force, she bought it for him with the credit card. Unsolicited, he
handed her $7. A few miles down the road was a toll booth, the only one she encountered on Rt 70 between California and Ohio. God gave her cash right before
she needed it. (Nevertheless like a broken record she usually hounds Him for more.)

Another time she was in Sandusky, Ohio, without resources to get home.. when
suddenly there was $20 floating in Lake Erie.

A third time, with no money for rent, she opened the door of her Maryland home
and saw Nimbo there from Melsatosa, a fruitarian temple, who told her he had $2000
left, and that God had told him to give her some of it. He handed her 9 one hundred
dollar bills.

Her family has been a constant Ganga of supply.

God Calling: The branch need ask no support of the vine.
Baba: The baby does not ask her mother for milk.


Saiananda had once said that Baba does not materialize money. Some time elapsed
and he gave away his last $5... and then realized he had no money to buy his
dog Sathya some food. He was in a drug store when he felt money materializing
on his arm.. it was a $5 bill yellow with age. Later Mark B had called him
and said that Baba was causing coins to drop from the ceiling.

Pilot's Life Saved

Charles Penn has a spiritual pen as well as a passion for piloting planes.
Baba saved his life.

Guha Ashram Akshaya Patra

As Droupadi had an akshayapatra, a vessel which filled with food every day for all she wanted to feed.. but would empty for the day after she ate, so there is a Guha ashram of Baba's very advanced disciples in the Himalayas where there is such a vessel.. which fills daily with the desired food of each.. these yogis are so proficient that all of them have passed the test of being impervious to freezing snow.


The replacement apostle after the death of Judas was chosen by lots.

Baba called the heads of the Saint Louis, Santa Clara and one other center in
1 day.. and told them if they had a question He would always answer, provided
a. they were surrendered to the answer b. it was something which required
an immediate decision c. it was each's own sadhana, and not another's. He said
they should take 4 symbols (pieces of paper, etc.) and make 1 of them YES, another
NO, and the 3rd and 4th WAIT.

One woman thought her significant other was lying to her about his fidelity.
She asked Baba if he'd been faithful, and got a no. She told him this.
9 more times, she got a no. On the 10th time, he told her about his affair.
They subsequently parted. The odds on a random basis of getting 10 no's in
a row out of 4 choices are 1 in 1,048,576 (4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384,
65536, 262144, 1048576)

*sadhana: path toward God

9 No's

The writer resolved to surrender coffee .. and decided to ask Baba before each
cup for permission. Over 3 days, she got 9 no's in a row (she was asking on a yes
or no basis.. or a 1 in 512 chances to get 9 of the same answer in a row.
She obeyed for 3 days.. and after that stopped asking. Please pray that her addiction
and all addictions to harmful substances and behaviors be broken.


One of Baba's universal family had resolved to leave her home situation for what
she thought was greener fields. As she got up to leave, the picture of Baba
in an absolutely still room catapulted off the table. As she examined it, a bolt
of lightning which manifested as cracked glass emanated from Swami's third eye.


Baba often jokes with His followers. To one devotee whose dharma had been slipping
He came in a dream. When the follower went for padnamasakar (touching the feet of
the Guru) Baba had socks on.

Darshan Line

Sometimes twice a day, sometimes more, when Baba is at an ashram
(Puttaparthi, Bangalore, Ooty or other) He walks by the seated crowds at dawn and dusk, accepting letters, materializing vibhuti or other objects, calling people in for interviews. In the evening, thousands of birds chatter in the trees as they too come for darshan. The saris of the women are a rainbow of infinite shades.

One woman handed Baba a letter and was heartbroken when He immediately
threw it back at her.. but later she realized that he had materialized
a reply to her letter on the paper she had handed Him.

A man held up a book his father D in Connecticut had written about Baba, hoping
Swami would touch it. But as Baba went further away, the man became
downcast. Suddenly like the Red Sea parting, all those between
Baba and this man parted. Baba came quickly toward him and touched
the book.. it became so hot the man could not hold it. Later
the shakti was also transmitted to the man's mother.

Another man who had often criticized Baba but had come along with his partner
for the trip... said about his first sight of Baba's light: "an ocean of joy swept
over me".

Darshan line is for those of great discipline.

Ganges Cataract Of Words

Baba asked a Nobel
Prize candidate in science, to translate for him..
Bhagavantam said Baba's cascade of speech
was so forceful and fast.. that only 1/3
of it could be translated into English.

Telugu is 90% Sanskrit.

The fact that the man was asked to translate
was a great privilege.. Baba is omniscient and has often supplied an English, Italian, or other
word that Dr Kasturi or other translators could not provide.

Mirrored Fibonacci

mirrored Fibonacci:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1,1 The Fibonacci sequence occurs often in nature.

11:23 Baba's birthday

The Saffron Rose

The writer disobeyed the ashram rules.. and followed her heart as she followed Baba to the Gokulam in Bangalore. As He got out of the car she knelt in front of Him.
He asked me "Where are you from?" She answered
'from your heart'.. He threw her an orange rose which He materialized.. and as she walked back to Bangalore the sky was an orange rose
full of petals of fire..then Dr. Bopaya came up to her with a stack
of books.. which out of his huge heart he was simply giving to her. There
are hundreds of holy cards at the ashram.. visible in one of the books was a holy card with an orange rose on it which said
' be silent like the rose which communicates
only through fragrance'.. The mind is a boat on a pathless sea.. opinions divide while Spirit unites..

Baba used to remind the writer about silence.. she would be gazing at His picture and see a ring of light around His throat.. many other
ways He has told her in kindness
(dreams visions meditation) to be silent
.. Baba does not fawn over His followers. He
is often a stern taskmaster.. and those
closest to Him are sometimes disciplined the most
for their infractions of His messages..
Sometimes 2000 or 200,000 people at the ashram have
had dreams the same previous night.. each
with a unique message for his own path..
yet there is no force.. we only harm ourselves
when we do not follow the light.

Baba Underlining Attachments

There is a master artist living near Kent Ohio.. whom writer has met..
she has done many portraits of Baba in black and gold paint.. they are magnificent..
Her sister dreamt that Baba came in a convertible to give her a ride.. she wanted to put on her earrings first.. and when she came out He was gone.. Becky J of Mass dreamt that Baba came and she was worried about her children..
He vanished.. Writer dreamt that He did not
wait while she went for a pen to write what
He said down.. He underlines that our attachments
block us from closer association from Him..
Bette Midler says " From a distance" (God
is watching from a distance).. He is also
watching from inside..

John Hislop, TM Leader

John Hislop was a leader of TM in America before he became a follower of Baba and
wrote My Baba And I.

JH: I write many letters to Swami about activities, problems and
accomplishments in the American Sai
Organization. But often I think it is silly to describe problems
and events, since I know from my own direct
experience that Swami is omnipresent and knows all about the

SAI: People start to think they need do
nothing, that Swami will do everything! Then they do not bother
to do even their daily duty. In spiritual life, the
relationship between you and Swami is heart to heart. But in
worldly life, Swami has given you work to do. This
requires work in the world, activity in the world. You are
required to do your duty to the very limit of the task. So
far as writing is concerned, the writing of letters to Swami is
for your satisfaction.

JH: For my satisfaction, Swami?

SAI: Yes, for your satisfaction. You write to Swami, and your
mind is then free of the matter. It is not that Swami
does not know. Suppose you withhold some troublesome point, you
then have a guilty feeling. But you tell Swami,
and there is no guilty feeling. Do your duty fully and
in the work which Swami has given to you.

Quoted in
My Baba and I, pp 214, 215.

Chant The Ganapati Stotra In The Muladhar

Mrs. Balu in THE GLORY OF PUTTAPARTHI, SB Publications, 1 S Cross
Road, Basavanagadi Bangalore 560004
recounted that Baba told a woman to dissolve a negative block
of karma by chanting the Ganapati stotra in her muladhara
(base chakra) (where karma is stored)

The writer did not know the Ganapati stotra. There are many attributes
of Ganesha described in v 8 of Sathya Sai Speaks in the Aug 24th
discourse and so she vibrated the names of Ganesha in her muladhar. Baba gave
her a sign that her imperfect offering was accepted.


Asking God In Books

Souls further along than the writer know immediately in their hearts
what to do. The writer usually does not ask about her activities, but when at
a crossroads of many possible directions she asks God in meditation, through
chits, or by methods such as opening one of His books to a random page.

In London on her way to the ashram, she wanted to see England and
asked Baba for permission. The answer in the Gita was
'although the Lord is omnipresent He is situated in one place'.

They had been given a Pan Am round the world ticket for $1100.. which allowed
visiting 12 cities. Returning to the US from India they went to Miami, and then
asked Baba when to return to DC. In Sathya Sai Speaks she opened to 'today is Uttaryana when the sun begins its northward journey'.

They were watching JF's dog Cayuga while J was in India.
Cayuga had hip dysplasia. The writer asked Baba if it was creating
a permanent dependency to help Cayuga into the car and opened to
' be content if your seva (service) is to lift a lame lamb over a stile'

Another time she desired to reproduce a picture of Baba which would be freely
distributed without going through the timeconsuming
process of official ashram permission and opened to "the thief so intensely desired
the jewels that Krishna poured them into his lap".

Every Iskcon devotee she has ever met personally.. was exceptionally
intelligent, generous, devoted, pure, and compassionate. One, Papasteya, drew in 3 minutes time the sweetest little crying piglet inside 2 pieces of
bread...another animal rights group began using the drawing which had been given
to the writer to put on t shirts as a way to fund animal rights. She was feeling
uncentered about this and asked Baba.. she opened to
"the teacher should be happy when a student takes over her work"

She was speaking to people at the meat counter of a Safeway store about animal
flesh as a cause of cancer, heart disease, animal agony, world hunger, environmental devastation etc. Coming out to the car, disquieted, she opened to "When the fruit
is green it will not fall to the ground if you beat it with a sharp stick. When
it is ripe it falls of its own accord in the silence of the night."

During a period of intense emotional pain she opened to "the waves
pound most fiercely when one is closest the shore".
which could either
mean that one is not established in the depths of meditation or that ones victorious
journey is almost completed.

HS and writer awaited the birth of writer's nephew.. there seemed to be a problem
and she prayed to Baba and then opened to the only book she had with her..
one of poetry. The line which struck her was
"A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl"
in the poem Leda and the Swan by Yeats.
Shortly after, her nephew was born.

An evicted man wanted to move into our home. It would have meant giving up
D's meditation room. We prayed together and opened in the Bible to
"I was a stranger and you took me in."



The Purple Butterfly
Karanjia, editor of Blitz, Communist magazine
The elephant Sai Geeta's kissing trunk
Hitchhiking in Arlington
Hitchhiking in Pennsylvania

Cofounder Of PETA

The writer accompanied her friend to a Washington shelter and while he arranged to borrow a humane
trap, she went into the area where animals were waiting to be sent to the next world. She
went around the cages giving each dog vibuthi. Ingrid Newkirk, later with Alex Pacheco cofounder of PETA, walked into the room and said "Whatever are you doing?!". The writer explained, and Ingrid asked to have the
vibhuti and tasted it. Later she said "That was so stupid of me.. what if it had been poison?"

The focus, brilliance, compassion, and constant hard work of Alex, Ingrid, and other PETA workers
is an inspiration to countless numbers.

Suburban Hospital And The Growing Ring

JF, a follower of Baba, for a while was a ward secretary at Suburban Hospital in Maryland, where some of the nursing assistants were jeopardizing patient health by an oppositional attitude. She prayed that Baba would give her courage to speak to the individuals involved. Day by day, over a year's time, the jaw on her ring of Baba became larger, as simultaneously she felt courage growing in her. She did
speak.. to the management and to the assistants... and worked out an agreement.

Nevertheless when it was all finished she felt she should have followed the
Bhagavad Gita's "It is better to do ones own dharma poorly than another's well." Baba: "I give you what you want so that you will want what I have to give."

This post is not writer's endorsement of the pharmaceutical domination, pricegouging, overworked interns, staph infections, turning away of the poor from emergency rooms, millions of iatrogenic deaths, toxic food etc. which are commonplace in American hospitals. But there are shining examples of selflessness
such as Dr Jonathan Lief of Boston, who vegetarianized his hospital's cafeteria.

Baba has said "Vibhuti is for people of faith. Hospitals are for people without faith." Yet He has built the world's best equipped free hospital, in Bangalore, India, where tens of thousands of free heart operations and other surgeries have been performed.

The Nazi Officer And Al Drucker

Al Drucker, author of an analysis of the Bhagavad Gita and other books, was a frequent lecturer at Baba's ashram. Before WW2 got underway, he was in a train, planning
to escape to the East to avoid the Nazis. A Nazi officer came into his train compartment and sat down. He
had on gloves, a riding crop, high boots, a formidable uniform. He told Al to escape to the West, that the
way to the East was blocked. Years later Baba at the ashram told Drucker that He had taken the form
of a Nazi officer in order to warn him.

Why God allows hideous suffering is a problem which angers many people of all paths and makes
some atheist or agnostic. Only masters and God, by and large, know the past lives and actions of
a soul.

Several of Al Drucker's books are online at http://www.atmapress.com .. Baba
bless the generosity of online authors.

Latvian Yoga Teacher

Sai Yoga is a book in which Indra Devi speaks of the yoga taught to her by Baba.

"The Latvian Indra Devi, known as the "First Lady of Yoga" in America, set down roots in Hollywood, California, and opened her first U.S. yoga studio in 1947. Born in Riga, Latvia, in 1899, Indra Devi (or Mataji as she is known) spent several years in India prior to coming west, studying with Krishnamacharya, a man many consider to be the father of modern-day hatha yoga, and teaching classes. Hollywood luminaries quickly embraced her teachings and such stars as Jennifer Jones, Gloria Swanson, and actor Robert Ryan helped bring the public's attention to the benefits of yoga. But Mataji's influence went far beyond the entertainment industry. Credited with almost single-handedly establishing a niche for American hatha yoga, she taught thousands of students and trained hundreds of teachers.
While Yogananda and Indra Devi relied on their classes, lectures, and books to reach thousands of aspiring yogis, the medium of television provided a venue through which millions more could learn this ancient discipline. "
From http://www.innerbodyworks.com/

Idi Amin: How To Master The Mystery

Baba once had His picture taken with Idi Amin .. and that same week told Mr. Patel,
a resident of the country, that the Indian community had 3 years to leave before Idi Amin's massacres would start

God, Great Spirit, Allah, Divine Mother, whatever the name for God, He is not as attached to external
form as we are. His ways are a mystery, even to self realized masters.

http://www.saibabalinks.org miracles file

Dr. Kishan Gadhia,
E-mail: dgadhia@morningsidehealthcare.com,
Fax: +44 - (0) 116 2470 839
Dr. Kishan Gadhia, born on 7.10.1939, is a noted surgeon in London and a devotee of Swami for over four decades. He has had several interviews with Swami, and was given several articles materialized by Swami like rings, lingam, Garuda, Ganesh, etc The following is an account of his experiences in his own words.

'I was born and brought up in Kampala. I spent my childhood at Kampala, the capital city of Uganda (East Africa) as my people migrated from India and settled there in gainful vocations. I came to India to study Medicine at Jamnagar as I could secure a seat in the Medical College there.

I first heard of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan from my brother Dr. D.J.Gadhia who studied Medicine at Mangalore. He was convinced after witnessing several miracles that Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan is Shiridi Sai re-incarnated, and was telling us all about Him. Though my parents and other relatives gave credence to his words, some of us continued to believe only in gods such as Rama, Krishna and Siva.

While I was a medico in Jamnagar, some of us went on a tour of South India. We had been to almost all the centers of pilgrimage but somehow could not make it to Puttaparthi though we had thought of it. Perhaps, time was not yet ripe to have darshan of Swami.

At the instance of Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan, my brother Dr. D.J.Gadhia came to Jamnagar from Puttaparthi. He took me with him to a jewelry shop to buy a silver casket. When he returned home he wanted to put in it some vibhuti he had brought from Puttaparthi for my use, but found that there was vibhuti in it already.

He thought that it was a miracle of Sai, while I thought that the shop owner might have put it being either a Sai devotee himself or knowing that my brother was a Sai devotee. Next day we went to the shop and enquired of him. The shopkeeper was not aware of Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan at all. Nor did he have any idea of my brother's spiritual pursuits. Besides, the casket we had bought was a snuffbox! Even after hearing all this, I was still harbouring some doubts about how vibhuti had come into the box.

Later in 1960, I went to Puttaparthi along with some of my overseas classmates. At that time, Sai Kulwant Hall was not there, nor any rooms for overnight stay. We made some improvised bed under a tree and had to go to the Chitravati for purposes of our daily ablutions. That was the first time I had been to Puttaparthi. Then we had darsan of Swami for the first time.

As Swami likes students very much, we were called for an interview. In those days, Swami used to spend a lot of time on interviews. When we were in the interview room, Swami rolled the sleeve of his robe (gown) back up to his elbow, put his palm downwards, waved it in a rotating fashion and materialized vibhuti right before our eyes. Then he began calling each one of us by name along with the name of the country to which that particular student belonged, and gave vibhuti. With this we were all stunned with surprise. While giving vibhuti to all students he omitted me. So I asked, 'Swami! You have not given me vidhuti!' Swami said, 'I gave you in Jamnagar itself in the silver casket your brother had bought for you, didn't I?' With this, I was clean bowled.

Then swami asked smilingly, 'Do you need any further proof?'

'No! Swami!' I said, 'I am completely convinced that you are God.'

'Let me tell you', Swami continued, 'your mother is now in hospital down with heart attack. But, no need for alarm. I am taking care of her'. So saying Swami materialized some vibhuti and gave it to me with instructions to send it to my mother.

After this, I left Puttaparthi and arrived in Bombay from where I could contact my father on phone. 'How is mother?' I asked.

My father was surprised. 'How did you know about her indisposition?', he asked.

'Swami told me', I said, 'He said there is no need to worry, He gave some Vibhuti for her'.

I sent Vibhuti to my mother.

I came to Puttaparthi again in 1963 for Guru Purnima. Later, again for Dasara. Swami materialized vibhooti from an empty container and performed 'Bhasmabhishekam' (Bath of ash) to Shiridi Sai. As I was a student, I was seated in the front in the 4th row and could witness it. Swami produced vibhuti in such a large measure that there was vibhuti everywhere. We were all fully coated with bibhuti.

After I wrote my third year MBBS Examinations in 1965, I came to Puttaparthi once again.

Swami came to me in the morning in darsan lines and told me that I was going to fail in one paper - Gynecology.

'But it is an easy subject, Swami!' I protested, 'How can I fail in it'?

First I thought Swami was kidding. But when he appeared serious, I tried to plead with him not to fail me.

'Why did you not do Japam on the day of that Exam?' Swami asked.

True. I did not do Japam on that day. Usually I do one full mala everyday. But as I had no time to take bath preparing for the Exam, that day I skipped it. I explained to Swami what had happened that day.

Swami, at last, relented.

'Go and pay Rs. 10 and ask for re-valuation', Swami advised me.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Curious enough - I failed in Gynecology as predicted by Swami despite my confidence about it being an easy subject for me. I paid Rs. 10 and asked for re-valuation.

Meanwhile, things moved fast as war broke out between India and Pakisthan. Pak bombers dropped as many as 50 bombs on Jamnagar. By Swami's grace we were all safe as all the bombs fell away from the city. But people were scared and left for safer places deserting the city. Almost all the students, except those from the overseas, who had nowhere to go, fled. We were left behind praying to Swami to save us. Due to Swami's grace, nothing happened to us afterwards.

The war highlighted the need for more medical professionals. The Government announced that re-examination for failed students would be held within 3 months - instead of the usual schedule of 6 months. As the result of my revaluation was not received till then, I too appeared for re-examination. But, meanwhile, the result came. I passed in the re-valuation as predicted by Swami. Due to war, the Government reduced the period of internship from one year to six months. Thus, I became a Doctor earlier than scheduled, owing to Swami's grace.

In 1966, I came to Swami and took His blessings. Swami materialized a visiting card of His, for me. His Photograph, name and address were there on it. 'Keep this always in your pocket, not in Pooja room' Swami instructed me. Later, I went back to East Africa, got married, and set up practice at Masaka - 80 kms from Kampala.

Swami came on a tour of East Africa in 1968. He came to Kampala. Everyone was going to see Him. I had the responsibility of my Hospital. As Swami often says 'Work is worship' and 'Duty first', I continued to attend to my work. On Saturday, which was a holiday for us, I went to see Swami. My wife was not a believer of Swami yet. 'If Swami shows', she said, 'some special favour to you, I will believe'.

Swami called all local Doctors for an interview. I too was included. Swami asked me 'How are you?' I said, 'OK! Swami!'

Later I told my wife, 'See! Swami called us for interview and enquired after my welfare. What more special favour do you want!'

She was not convinced. Meanwhile, Swami called me in and said, 'I am coming to your home. You can call all your people there'.

My wife and I were flabbergasted. It turned out to be a grand and happy congregation of Gadhias with Swami as the central figure. We gave Haarati and had paada-namskars.

Chatting informally with us, Swami said, 'your time in this country is up. Move out of this country for good at once. Sell whatever you have here and deposit the money abroad'.

We were all taken aback. We were there for decades. It was like our motherland for all practical purposes. How to leave it? Where should we go? But when Swami said so, there was no other go.

Keeping my faith fully in Swami's words, I sold away my property and deposited the money in a Bank in London quickly. My parents also were anxious to follow suit, but to wind up business and to sell it away could not be done in a huff.

In 1972, Idi Amin staged a military-coup. He became a dictator and issued a warning to all Asians to quit the country within 90 days leaving every thing behind. Those who stayed back violating this order would be doing so only at their peril. Fortunately, Swami forewarned us about the bad times ahead well in advance. I decided that we should not delay our departure till the period of 90 days allowed, but leave for the UK immediately.

I wanted to go to my parents and hasten them personally. While I was driving to my parents' place, I was stopped by a Military Picket enroute. One of the soldiers with a machinegun came to me and said, 'you have weapons in your car?' I replied in the negative. He searched the car and found none. Yet he did not leave. He ordered me to get down and walk into the roadside bushes, threatening to shoot me. I tried to plead with him to leave me but in vain.

At that time, an African taxi-driver going that side saw me. He knew me. He came to the soldier, and tried to intervene to save me. But the soldier was in no mood to relent and threatened him also. The taxi-driver was frightened and drove away. With this last chance of rescue proving futile, I broke down before the soldier pleading to let me go. He kept the gun on my chest and said. 'What is your last wish?'

'Let me go and see my parents and family', I replied.

'No', he refused flatly, 'Smoke, if you like'. He offered a cigarette.

'I don't smoke', I said.

'Pray for the last time', he said, 'I will give you two minutes'.

I put my hand into my pocket and took out the visiting card of Swami. It may be recalled that, in one of the interviews before my leaving India, Swami materialized it and gave it to me.

'Keep this', Swami told me at that time, 'always with you. Don't put it in the Pooja room.'

It had a Photograph of Swami on it. I started praying to Him frantically.

'Who is that God you are praying to?' The soldier took the visiting card from my hands and read:

'Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Bhagavan, Puttaparthi, Penukonda Tq, Anantapur District'.

I don't know what happened to him. He returned the card to me, and said 'Go!'

I returned hurriedly to my car, but was too shaken to drive. Just at that time, a military jeep came there. The local taxi-driver, who had tried to intervene to save me, went and reported the matter to the Local Commander who knew me. That Commander rushed to the spot to save me.

'How are you Doctor!', he enquired as he got down from his vehicle, 'what can I do for you!'

'I am OK', I replied, 'but I am not in a fit condition to drive. Kindly get me dropped at my house'.

My wife was very anxious at home. She was praying all the time for my safe return. When I got back safely, she heaved a sigh of relief.

We immediately informed our people about what had happened and conveyed to them our decision to leave. 'We are going', I told my parents. 'After what happened today, it is foolish to stay here. Come with us at once. We are going whether you come or not'.

We all left Uganda for the UK in October 1972. In England, we found the Government and the people very sympathetic to us. We had offers of free accommodation from nearby places. I bought a house with the money I had in the Bank and started practicing medicine. By Swami's grace, I could open a Hospital in London in due course. Gradually I settled all my people there in various vocations.

In 1978, I was at Puttaparthi. Swami called me for an interview and said, even before I opened my mouth, 'I saved your life.'

It was on December 30, 1979 that we again came to Brindavan (Whitefields, Bangalore) and had darshan of Swami. Swami called us for an interview that day. Those who were called for the interview included a lady from Birmingham called Papatlal Purmar. She was not in a position to walk and came in a wheel chair. Swami went to her and asked her to get up and walk. And she got up and walked! Swami asked me, 'what would you do in this case?'

'We give her a wheel chair. That's all, Swami', I replied. Swami smiled. When swami said 'you', He meant 'Medical Science'. Swami granted me the bliss of watching this miracle happen right in front of me to show me the utter inadequacy of the medical science to cope up with various ailments.

In 1980, we came to India and had darshan of Swami at Brindavan. That time we came along with a group of devotees brought from the UK. The group included Mr. Victor Kanu. Swami called the group for interview. Mr. Kundra who is now associated with the North Indian Canteen at Prasanthi Nilayam, Mr Patel and others were also there. As we all sat in the room, Swami went to one of the members of the group and asked: 'who is the lady that came with you? She is not your wife'. We were all surprised. None of us was aware of it. It was embarrassing to that person. He replied that she was his friend. 'I will get you married', Swami said. Both that gentleman and the lady agreed. Swami recited some mantras himself, and asked a photograph to be taken with Him in the middle, flanked on either side by the bride and bridegroom. Swami very neatly turned the situation and made it end on a happy note, which, otherwise, could have proved embarrassing. We were all blessed with the fortune of witnessing Swami Himself performing a marriage - a rare occasion, indeed.

Then Swami materialized a plum fruit, gave it to the couple and asked them to eat it. He said, by eating it, they would be blessed with a child.

Earlier, Swami pointed to Mr. Kanu and said that Kanu had wanted to drop out of the trip for financial reasons. 'But as I wanted you to go over here, I arranged the needed finance for you and made you join the trip', Swami added. Mr. Kanu had, indeed, thought of dropping out for financial difficulty. As some of his friends lent him the needed money, he could join the group.

In that trip Swami gave me interviews four times. In the first, I witnessed the wedlock performed by Swami Himself. In the second, He materialized a Shiridi Sai Idol and gave it to me. I was to do abhishekam daily and take tirtham. Earlier on one occasion, Swami called my brother Dr. Gadhia and introduced him to the audience in the Purna Chandra Auditorium at Prasanthi Nilayam as the grandson of Kaka Dikshit - a devotee of His earlier incarnation of Shiridi Sai. 'Dikshit prayed to me', Swami told the audience, 'to look after his children and grandchildren. I am taking care of them'. (Thus, Dr. Ghadia was the grandson of Dikshit in his earlier birth.) Because of this Shirdi Sai connection of us, Swami might have given me Shirdi Sai idol.

In the third interview, Swami asked my wife, 'do you know your husband's Bank balance?' She replied in the negative.

'I know', Swami said. 'He spends a lot. Of course, for the marriages of his sisters and for other needs of the family. I will take care of his Bank balance, don't worry!' So saying, Swami materialized a Garuda idol that can be worn as a locket in a chain. On one side of it, the wings show upward movement. On the reverse, they show downward movement. It has a man's face but bird's body.

Some of my Parsee friends thought I was lucky to get 'Ahur Mezda's idol, for it resembles, in all aspects, their God, Ahur Mezda. After that, I had no cause to worry about any financial cringe. Earlier, to come to India even once in a year to have darshan of Swami, we had to think twice. But, by Swami's grace showered through Garuda, we are able to go over to Prasanthi Nilayam even 3 or 4 times in a year.

To be of token service to the Super Specialties Hospitals at Prasanthi Nilayam and at Bangalore, I have been trying to equip the libraries in those Institutions with the books on Medicine that ought to be kept in them as per rules. Swami has been kind enough to allow me to do my little bit to the Super Specialties Hospitals, as well as the General Hospital here.

In the fourth interview, Swami materialized a mysorepak (a sweet) - fresh and warm. 'Give it to your son. Don't eat it yourself', He said giving it to me. I took out little bits of it, and made my younger son, who was with us at that time, eat it, as Swami bid me.

We came once again in 2000 to have darshan of Swami. My wife was suffering from hypertension of some malignant type, which could not be managed well with medicines. I told about it to Swami when He called us for an interview. Swami materialized a small crystal idol of Ganesh - complete with modak. 'Daily do Abhishekam to this, and take that water as teertham', Swami instructed her as He handed it over to my wife. She has been doing it ever since and her B.P. is under control.

Swami also gave us Shivalinga and said: 'Do Abhishekam and take the water as teertham.' My wife mentioned to Swami about vibhuti coming out of a Photograph of Swami hung in my clinic in the UK. The Photograph shows Swami with the Abhaya Hastam. 'Vibhuti is coming out of that Abhaya Hastam. The Photograph of Swami is on the wall behind my husband's chair', she was telling Swami.

'It's my chair', Swami interjected, 'your husband is sitting on it', Swami advised us to give that vibhuti to patients, and to whosoever needed it.

While I was at Puttaparthi in 2003, we had a typical case of advanced pregnancy of a local woman. The sonograph taken at Anantapur showed the possibility of a stillbirth indicating danger even to the mother. At the instance of Dr.Alraja, who is in-charge of the General Hospital here, another sonograph was taken in the General Hospital at Prasanthi Nilayam, which confirmed the same position. When the case was being discussed, a nurse suggested: 'Why not brief Swami on this?' So the case was taken up with Swami.

Swami materialized 3 packets of vibhuti and gave them to Dr. Alraja. 'Give a little vibhuti from one packet to the mother and smear the rest on the lady's stomach. When she delivers a babe, put a little of vibhuti from the second packet in the mouth of the babe before cutting the knot. It is important'

'What is the third packet for, Swami?'

'Give it to the nurse who suggested that this case be taken up with Swami'; Swami added giving the finishing touch in His characteristic manner.

No need to add that the woman had a safe delivery. The baby was very beautiful, and was taken round the wards, as many were eager to see her. She was called 'Miracle Baby' by the Hospital staff.

We were fortunate to be present here this year (2004) on the Sivaratri Day and to witness Swami taking out Atmalinga, which He called Hiranyagarbha Linga. Later we left for Rajkot where we performed Devi Puja. We also visited Sri Sathya Sai Super Specialties Hospital there. We were told that when they did Bhajan on the Sivaratri Day there, spreading a carpet (plain without design) before Swami's Photograph, the footprints of Swami were seen on the carpet indicating the arrival of Swami there for Sivaratri. We also saw those Divine footprints to preserve which safely they were making arrangements.

On our return to Puttaparthi, Swami called us for an interview. When I told Swami that we had seen Swami's footprints that had appeared on Sivaratri Day at Rajkot Hospital, Swami looked at the students by His side smilingly, and said: 'Look I had been to Rajkot also for Sivaratri!

We were also a witness to another Sai Miracle. When we were at Braindavan in July 1980, Swami called us for an interview. An Italian lady who came in a wheel chair was also among those called for the interview. She lost control of her legs due to a spinal injury sustained in an accident. Swami asked us if any of us knew Italian. None of us responded in the affirmative.

Swami asked us if we could take her hand and make her walk. Again the response was in the negative. Then Swami took her hand, made her get up, and took her into the interview room. After a few minutes, she emerged beaming with happiness.

'Run', Swami said, and she ran like a hare!

'In which language, did you both converse?' - The lady was asked later.

'Why?' she replied, 'in Italian!'

On January 2, 1980, we were at Puttaparthi. We had an interview with Swami.

'Your mother', Swami told me, 'is going to merge in me. You leave Puttaparthi today itself and get back to London'.

'One prayer Swami!' I pleaded, 'give her a peaceful and painless exit'.

Swami nodded in assent, 'don't weep for her. Tell your people also'.

I left the same day for Bangalore and went to one of my close relatives residing there. As I reached their place, the phone rang. It was my father from London. 'You must contact Kishan', my father was telling my relatives.

'He is here', my relative told my father, 'speak to him'.

He gave the phone to me. 'Swami told me', I told my father, 'we are leaving today for home'.

We reached London and drove to my house.

I told my people, 'Swami told me that mother was going to merge in Him and advised that no one need weep for her.'

They narrated the story of her last journey to me. She went to my brother's house as his wife delivered a babe. She was there for 14 days. On the 15th day, she gave the ceremonial sweet to the daughter-in-law and said: 'Today is my last day. You will have to manage hereafter yourself'.

Later, the daughter-in-law was reintroduced into the kitchen with customary formalities.

My mother, Mrs. Chandaben Nanalal Gadhia, got into the car and journeyed back home. On the way she had heart attack. When she was taken to the Hospital, she was pronounced dead.

'She had a very peaceful and painless end', the Doctor who examined her and tried to revive her in vain, said.

I thanked Swami in my mind for blessing my mother with painless exit.

Once in an interview, I showed Swami the silver casket of vibhuti which my brother Dr. Gadhia had given me in Jamnagar and prayed, 'recharge this, Swami!'

Swami put his finger in the casket, pressed a little, closed the lid and returned it to me. When I opened it, I found a coin of Durga Mai in it!

-- Dr. Kishan Gadhia

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao on March 1, 2004 at Prasanthi Nilayam)

I was at Brindavan, Bangalore during May 2004. Bhagavan called us all one day to the Trayi (Swami's residence building) session after the afternoon Darshan. Bhagavan was kind enough to ask me that day to narrate my experiences. After I spoke about how Bhagavan had saved my life from a Ugandan soldier, Swami said, 'the story did not end there'. Bhagavan continued:

'When the soldier took the visiting card which I had given to Dr. Gadhia long back, he looked at my Photograph on the card. I spoke to him from the Photograph and transformed him. He let go Dr. Gadhia. Later, that solodier changed completely. He came to me when I was in Ooty. I told him to give up cruelty and violence. He changed his name also as Sacchidananda Swamy and became a devotee.'

-- Dr. Kishan Gadhia

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao in Sai Gokulam, Brindavan, Bangalore on 29.05.2004.)

Poornachandra: Full Moon

In the Poornachandra auditorium, Baba waved His hand one way... all were sad..
then the opposite way.. all were happy. Advaita, the philosophy of nonduality, and the unified field
theory of physics, promoted by Albert Einstein, both propose there is only One, only One Doer, God.

Poornachandra: Sanskrit for full moon

Indian IRS

Many Indian IRS agents have been sent to investigate Baba. He brought one into a room.. waved His hand and the room was full of gold, then waved it again and the room was empty. The government stopped sending agents.. they were all becoming devotees.

By Their Fruits Ye Will Know Them

India has more vegetarians in number and percentage than any other country. India is the most
nonviolent country on earth. Hundreds can sit patiently crosslegged on the floor for hours, while
in the West, perhaps 1/3 that number can be accommodated in wooden or metal chairs. In small
villages one can see everyone walking around anthills.. near a train station. It is understood
the ants also have a right to be here.

Because Baba has over 100 million followers and because they begin to obey Him, making significant
changes... working for peace and to end poverty, reducing medications, eliminating animal products, avoiding conspicuous consumption,
living simply... the international cartels of billionaires and centimillionaires who keep wars, execution chambers, slaughterhouses, and isolation going
have run a disinformation campaign. Baba has said about such campaigns of lying:

Diamonds shine more brightly foiled by black velvet.
Fools deride Me when I descend into human form. Bhagavad Gita

Space Heater From An Open Heart

They arrived back from their several months in India.. Winter was oncoming quickly and they had no money to fill the oil heater in their home. Within a few minutes after they walked in the door, not having had time to call any of their friends, M Banks of Maryland called them and said "I was meditating, and Baba told me to bring you over a space heater." He was there bearing the space heater within a few minutes. Spirit is beyond religious division. Spirit manifests for us wearing our favorite masks.. whether it is a smiling Buddha, a mothering Mary, a great friend, Kwon Yin, a daisy, a loving dog. The watch that day said SAI..Saturday the 1st.

Physical Address And Links

Prashanti Nilayam
Anantapur District
Andhra Pradesh India

Baba's own voice Bhajans Swami's own voice on web








'Sai Baba Website'
Extensive information on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: articles, downloadable bhajans, discourses, teachings, miracles, devotees' experiences, service activities, news and more.
http://www.saibaba.ws saibabaws

World-wide Sai [Shirdi/Parthi] devotees group with HQ at Puttaparthy
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/saidevotees_worldnet/ saidevotees_...

1 Online Muslim book about Sai Baba
by Dr. Bashiruddin of Osmania University

1 Sai Conference

AA Mahashivarathri 2001
Feb 2001 Baba with Materialized Linga

Africa: Baba organization

Anil Kumar link

Argentina Baba Site of Fausto Frank

Australia 2

Australian Site

online book: Love is my form

Baba Book publishers
Baba books by Grafio, DiFazio and other devotees

Baba Filled In Shroud Of Turin..

Baba Quotes 2

Baba Quotes 3

Baba foretold the attack on Him
thank you to D&E for telling us of this

Baba quotes

Baba site

Baba students

Baba's animals: 4 pictures
Thank you Sai Madrid, Sai Barbados and others Baba bless you

Baba's university

Barbados Baba Center

Bhajans 1 Bhajans are Hindu hymns to God

Bhajans: Nayak site

Bon Giovanni site

Books Online: Bhagavad Gita, Sanskrit, analysis
Beautiful site

Books Online: Bhagavad Gita: Iskcon version
the Iskcon Gita puts Krishna higher than Shiva but has excellent Sanskrit

Books Online: Sai Satcharita
Shirdi Sai Baba said He would write this book

Books: Bibliography Library of Congress
type in Sai Baba, Shri Sathya Sai Baba, and other variations

Books: Bibliography Beginning

Books: Bibliography by Bon Giovanni

Books: British Sai Baba Book Site

Books: Prasanthi Nilayam in India
Baba's ashram book distribution center

Books: US
Sathya Sai Book Center of America

Brazil Baba site on human values

Canada: Brampton Site

Canada: Ottawa Baba Centre

Canada: Quebec Baba Centre

Canada: Scarborough

Canada: Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal and others
6 centers in Canada and many resources

Canada: Vancouver Baba Centre

Chinese Mandarin Baba site
We have had difficulty accessing this server

Co-operative Housing Society [Regd.] at Puttaparthy
Housing Sector in Puttaparthy comes under mutually aided democratic Co-operative Institution
http://www.intellidevelop.com/saidarshanmanor/ http://saidarshanmanor.tripod.com saidevotees_...

Dedicada a este gran Maestro Universal que está mostrando al mundo los mas elevados principios de la espiritualidad y enseñando a todos la senda que lleva a la unión con Dios independiente de su religión, clase social u origen cultural. - Solo hay una religión la religión del Amor, Sólo hay una casta la casta de la humanidad, Sólo hay un lenguaje el lenguaje del corazón, Sólo hay un Dios y es Omnipresente. COMPLETA BIBLIOTECA SAI PARA DESCARGAR - FOTOS-VIDEOS - DISCURSOS PARA LEER Y ESCUCHAR DE SAI BABA - MENSAJE SAI DIARIO - MESSENGER SAI BABA.

Devic Home Page

Devotees' Site 2

Devotees' Website 1

Discourse 1971 Aug 24 Ganesha by Baba Aug 24, 1971
synonyms and description of Ganesha and His power

Discourse 1975 Nov 23 on Love

Discourse 1976 Nov 14, 1976 November 14 by Swami

Discourse 1977, June 6 Gayathri
one of several on the Gayathri

Discourse 1978 March 7 God the Source of Good
March 7, 1978 Discourse by Bhagavan Shri Sathya Sai Baba

Discourse 1998 May 6 Easwaramma Day
Baba's discourse on His mother

Discourse: 1968 November 23

Discourse: 1981 Oct 26 Gaayatri 2

Discourses 1: most discourses

Discourses 2: Baba official site
for many other things subtract the discour/content.htm

Discourses 3:

Discourses 4
thank you, kind webmaster

Discourses 5
http://www.orbita.starmedia.com/~starfausto/SHANTI.HTM kentaction@...

Discourses 6
Beautiful picture of Swami with Hanuman statue

Discourses 7: Baba's 2000 Discourses on Webjump

Discourses 8: Graham Dodd of Australia
thank you Graham Dodd

Discourses 9: Baba talks Posted by Eric Hendriksen

Discourses: 10
lists discourses

Discussion Club 1
100 followers of Baba discuss Him

Discussion Club 2

Discussion Club 3: in Italian
Baba says Italy is the most devotional country in the West

Dr Carl Osis

Dr Goldstein Leela
Edit Delete Cut
Espana Madrid Sai Baba Site
in both Spanish and English

Espana: Sai Madrid
many photos of Baba on Sai Madrid Site

Florida Shirdi Sai temple


France: Sathya Sai France


Germany (Deutschland) Sai Baba site

Greece.. Devotees of Baba official site


http://pub6.ezboard.com/fhinduunityhinduismhottopics gayatrish

Hindu bibliography
http://www.cyber-ville.net/hindbib1.html saibaba1926

Hong Kong Centre
http://home.netvigator.com/~jborjal/baba/baba.html kaliradha@...

India: Sai Baba's universities
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6279/univ.htm kaliradha@...

Indra Devi
Indra Devi is author of Sai Yoga
http://www.fundacion-indra-devi.org/ ohio@...

Indulal Shah site
http://www.geocities.com/priyasai108/indulal.htm kentaction

Iran: Islamic Devotees of Sai Baba
Write Mahsa9@yahoo.com

Isaac Tigrett of Hard Rock Cafes
perhaps it would have been better for Tigrett to have dismantled rather than sold the rest.

Italian Publications on Baba
Egroups Dot Com has Italian discussion lists

Japan Sai Baba Organization

Latin American Baba Centers


Links of Baba... a major source

Meditation of Baba's Swedish Saint
from R Lowenberg's HEART OF SAI

Millie Phllips

Miracle site by Vkram
vkram@yahoo.com is writing book on Swami

Miracle: Ganesha statue drinking offered milk
Baba discourages milk drinking for most of His devotees

Miracles: Channel 8
a 7 inch wide royal purple butterfly

Miracles: Devotees' Stories
little girl cured of heart ailment etc.

Miracles: WCAU
a miracle of synchronicity

Movie about Baba Online

New Zealand Site
http://www.gujarati-online.com/org/sai.html kenta

New group on interview postings

Newsp. Article Bombay's Blitz magazine: Socialists look at Baba
Socialist editor of Blitz magazine turned from attacker to devotee of Baba

Nisargadatta Maharaj website

Ohio Satsang

Ohio: Columbus Center

Univ of Oslo Robt Priddy

Peggy Mason: Baba on the afterlife
Peggy Mason is the author of Sai Baba: Embodiment of Love

Penang Sai Baba Center

Prema Sai Organization

Projects at Puttaparthy
Home for Elders [Senior Citizens] at Puttaparthy
http://www.intellidevelop.com/saidarshanmanor/ saidevotees_...

Prophecies regarding Swami

Public Talk: Hard Rock Cafe Founder on Baba's Resurrecting Him

Russian Ukraine Site

Sai Baba Devotee Gatherings

Sai Baba Links
Sri Sathya Sai Baba related links categorized. Complete directory of internet sites about Sai Baba's Life and Work.
http://www.saibabalinks.org saibabalinks

Sai Devotee Retreats

SaiBabaofShirdi Discussion Boards

http://geocities.com/saipearls/ 1008 Quotes



Sanathana Sarathi Online
Baba's magazine Sanathana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer)

Satsang International

Screensavers for Swami

Site to add miracle experiences

Slovenian Baba Site

Spain Site English Discourses

Spiritual Groups promoting nonviolence

Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Every day a Divine Message of Sathya Sai Baba with a beautiful photo of Swami.

Sweden Official Site

Thousands of Sai Baba books

Times of India: interview with Baba

Travel to Baba
also check travelocity, priceline, Sunday newsp. travel discount ads Qantas has one of safest records in world

UK site

US Texas
Moderated by a Texan

US: California Bon Giovanni Site 2

US: California Bon Giovanni's site

US: California: Joy Thomas Homepage

US: Texas: Univ of Texas Baba students
for Texas in general write gdevic@yahoo.com

Upaguru Hindu gurus

Upaguru: Ammachi
Ammachi, a Divine Mother of India and the world

Upaguru: Neem Karoli Baba MAHARAJI
All Avatars and Self Realized Masters Work Together Maharaji is Hanuman

Vancouver Sun
in search lists 5082 Sai Baba websites

Vegetarianism.. an online book
Baba recommends raw fruitarianism as the most ahimsan diet this side of breatharianism

YahooGroups: Baba

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Z 10 Ahimsa is Sanskrit for Nonviolence
Phalahari is the Sanskrit word for fruitarian diet

Z Devotee web pages

Z Discussion Group Quick Topic

Hindu newspaper

Victor Kanu, Zambian Christian


Victor Kanu, Zambian Christian, has written the book 2 volumes of Sathya Sai Baba, God Incarnate, in which he analyzes the great similarity of the teachings of Baba and Jesus. Kanu's seva in the African
education system is mentioned in the above link.

Mr. Victor Kanu is former High Commissioner of Sierra Leone, Africa, to Great Britain, as well as a preacher, a magistrate, and a devoted worker in Swami's Education-in-Human-Values program.

Shirley Maclaine.. and Film Materializations

Shirley Maclaine, film star, spiritual teacher, political activist, was a guest on the Larry King Show.
She told his audience that her friend Richard Bock had gone to India to film Baba. This is very difficult
since Baba discourages publicity. Bock ran out of a color film while in India.. a film which could only
be purchased in California. Baba excused Himself from the room a moment... and came back with
a film store bag which said Beverly Hills Camera Shop. A receipt was stapled to it. Inside was color film.
After he returned to California, Bock went to the shop where a clerk told him that on the day in question
a man in an orange robe and Afro had come in to purchase the film, and had not waited for change.

Linda Evans, the star of the tv show Dallas, attended the wedding of her daughter in

Subba Rao, Energy Chief Of The UN, Japanese Diction

Subba Rao, Energy Chief of the United Nations, was at the ashram when the writer was there
as was Ambrogio Vittadini, Baba's Italian translater of Sathya Sai Speaks.

Baba has over 100 million followers who believe Him to be the Avatar of the Age, or the incarnation
of the Father. His followers believe He is omnipresent, omniscient, omniloving.

The writer met a Japanese man in a wheelchair, being wheeled around by a very kind
attendant. They said, after their talking to Swami, "Baba speaks better Japanese than we do!"

Berenstain Bears

The married couple who created the Berenstain Bears were at the ashram when the writer was there.

Gumby Creator Art Clokey

"In January 1979, Clokey and his second wife, Gloria, stopped in southern India to meet Sai Baba, about whom they had read for five years. . A Gumby doll at his side, Clokey photographed Sai Baba materializing sacred ash in the palm of his hand. "He dropped it right on Gumby," Clokey says. "He does that for special blessings." When the Clokeys and Gumby returned to Los Angeles, "things started to happen." Gumby shows at colleges and movie theatres, an explosion of Gumby paraphernalia, and offers from production companies proved that Gumby’s adventures, last filmed in the late 1960s, Clokey, who did not become nearly as wealthy as Gumby fans might suspect, hopes to set aside some of the new income for a special tribute to his adoptive father, Joseph Clokey, a Pomona music professor from 1926 to 1939."

Another man asked Baba to make him the richest man in India. Baba complied.

I give you what you want so that you will want what I have to give. -Baba-

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, had a secretary who followed Baba. Gradually Indira too became a follower.. Baba told her that her son Sanjay would die the following year..Baba indicated that Sanjay's actions were invasive. (Sanjay had been involved in the forced sterilizations of thousands). Baba teaches universal nonviolence which
would seem counter to Indira's invasion of the Sikh temple which may have caused her assassination.
Nevertheless she advanced the cause of India's poor and stood up to militarily more powerful countries. She also
cancelled the export of primates to the United States after finding that in violation of a treaty they were being
used in military research.

Peeling A Banana

Barbara P of Oregon and her husband James marketed vegan cat and dog food. Once they had a business selling candies made entirely of fruit, and asked Baba in meditation if they should continue. He came to them in a dream.. peeling a banana. Some would say it was a yes, others that it was a no.

Red Green Tomatoes

Baba gave writer a vision.. she was standing by the seashore as a young girl.. and Baba was there with a tripod easle. He drew 3 tomatoes.. one green.. one red-green.. and one red.. He named the 3 distinct enzymes in the different tomatoes.. and told her she needed for healing the middle tomato: the red-green one.

Dr Ann Wigmore: If you cook an unripe tomato it will quickly rot. If you put it in the
windowsill in the sun its enzymes will ripen it.


Sai Baba's Meditation On Light


Baba often gives unique meditation instructions to different
individuals. This one is perhaps the most widely circulated.

Ashes To The Ashram

An Indian woman living in Washington DC asked Baba for liberation. After that she suffered intensely for 2 years, and then left her body. After her death, vibuthi ashes poured from Swami's pictures in her home. Her son, an environmental attorney, had not abstained from meat and alcohol in theWest, but vowed to accompany her ashes to the ashram and to abstain from flesh and alcohol on the journey. When he arrived at the ashram, Baba said to him that he was released from his vow and he could do what he liked in the village. Baba then told him how much change was in his pocket and materialized a 100 rupee note for him. He went into the village where he had 9 drinks. Nevertheless he was mindful that he wanted to be back in time for Baba's lecture. Because of the quantity he had imbibed, he had to make frequent trips to the men's room. Baba saw him coming back after one of these trips and said to him "Would not one drink have been better than nine?" The Bhagavad Gita says 'what good does repression accomplish?' This lawyer is an acutely intelligent soul with a very powerful presence who has done much good for the world.

From Nuclear Physics To Vemu's Veena

A brilliant Indian student by the name of Vemu Mukunda had taken science courses at universities in India. Then he left his motherland to conduct post graduate research in Scotland. He took a job in England working in the field of nuclear science. Although outwardly he seemed to have successfully established himself in his chosen field, he was not happy. He had left his loved ones behind and now found himself living in an environment in which the advancements in technology were considered the highest goal and his only social life consisted of attending endless rounds of cocktail parties. He felt his life was empty and without purpose and this feeling came to a crisis point when his brother and sister both died back in India. Furthermore the negative use of nuclear science to build weapons of mass destruction weighed on his conscience and made him question his choice of career. He began to sink into a state of chronic depression which was only briefly relieved by the release he felt when he made music on the Indian stringed Veena that he had played since childhood. It was during that period of black despair that a series of strange incidents occurred to bring a new influence into his life. By coincidence, a mutual friend in London had a veena at home that was badly damaged and when he heard of Vemu's skill with the instrument he invited him to his home to see if he might be able to repair the instrument. Vemu went to the home along with some friends and indeed found the instrument so badly damaged that he was completely unable to get any pleasant sounds out of it at all. However he agreed to take the instrument back to his home and see if he could repair it.On the way home, the friends who had brought him wanted to stop at a house where they knew the residents were conducting Sai Baba bhajan sessions (sacred singing). Though Vemu had no special interest in doing so, since he was riding with them he went along with the plan.When they arrived at the house and went in, he saw a picture of Sathya Sai Baba on the wall and immediately had the thought: "Oh, no not him". His parents had been followers of Shirdi Sai Baba and they felt that Sathya Sai Baba, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba, was an imposter and so Vemu had also taken on this attitude. Shirdi Sai Baba left his body in 1918 and many of his original followers were unwilling to believe that he had taken on the Sathya Sai form eight years later (Sathya Sai was born in 1926) even though Shirdi Sai Baba had told his followers just before his death that he would take birth again eight years hence.Vemu had no interest in the bhajans and so he sat behind the other singers and took no part in the singing. However during a lull in the bhajans the hostess put a veena in his hands and asked him to play something. In an abstracted mood he began to strum the instrument and presently a tune came into his head and he began to play. The others very much enjoyed his playing and when the song ended they asked him to play another song. He agreed, playing the first tune that came to mind. At the end of the second song, he suddenly realized that the two songs he had just played had been composed by two different Indian Saints but the titles of the songs had the same meaning in the respective languages of the composers: "No One is Equal to You".Now Vemu looked down at the veena he had been playing and realized that it was the badly damaged one he had been taking home to repair. But mysteriously, every note he had played on it had been completely harmonious. Now he tried to play it consciously and not a single harmonious note would come out of it. He began to feel as if something miraculous had occurred and he felt the hair on his head standing on end.He thought to himself: "Sai Baba! What power. Is he a black magician?"After this incident Vemu began to get invitations to play professionally. He accepted whenever it fit into his schedule and strangely, wherever he played he would run into someone who would talk about Sathya Sai Baba. At home his friends in London kept pressing him to attend Sai Baba bhajan sessions. He began to feel that he was being pursued by Sai Baba!Vemu had been schooled on the principles of science and so his confidence was more on the field of matter than that of the spirit. He felt that the realm of spirit was only a way by which some people escaped from harsh reality. And yet some part of him wanted to proceed into the spiritual realm while the other part wanted nothing to do with it. His mental torment increased and he felt himself being torn in two different directions. He continued to resist the spiritual impulse and yet, the world of physics and materialism had lost its charm for him.Finally in a state of complete desperation he sat down and addressed a letter to Sathya Sai Baba at his residence at Prasanthi Nilayam. Although he had heard that Sai Baba does not answer directly by writing back, it was said that he would provide the answer in some more direct form. He poured out his heart's dilemma asking Sai Baba if he should continue in his chosen profession of nuclear engineering, quit and become a full time musician, or renounce the world and become a religious devotee (Sannyasi).As he boarded a flight to Paris for a Veena concert, he wondered how and in what form he might receive a response to his letter but nothing unusual happened on the trip. On his return to London, he began to feel an inexplicable urge to visit the same home where he had played the damaged veena during the bhajan session. This was curious to him since he didn't even want to go there the first time. He ignored the urge for a while but finally gave in. Approaching the house, he noticed the "Om Sai" written on the front of the house. The owner of the house, Mrs Sitabai, greeted him at the door and told him she was very glad he had come because she had something for him. They went to the shrine room and she handed him a photograph telling him an unknown visitor had attended the last bhajan session and had asked that the picture be given to Vemu as soon as possible. He looked at the photograph and saw that it was a picture of Sathya Sai Baba playing the veena!He was immediately overcome with emotion and surrendered to Sai Baba by prostrating before the large photo of him on the wall. Tears of emotion ran down his cheeks. He knew now that he had his answer. He soon quit his job and became a full time musician. His reputation as a skilled veena musician spread and he began to get calls from all over Europe, including as far away as Russia. He felt that somehow his sudden success was due in part to the guiding hand of Sathya Sai Baba and he began to feel that he wanted to return to India and visit him. At about this time his mother and father were also asking him to return to India to see them and so he began to think seriously about making the trip home. But at the back of his mind was a fear that all the events were just coincidences and the result of his own imagination and that Sai Baba might refuse to see him. It would be a great disappointment to him if Sai Baba ignored him.He decided to write to a friend and have him ask if he should come to visit Sai Baba. Soon afterwards he had a vivid dream in which Sai Baba came to him and rubbed his sacred ash (vibhutti) on his left shoulder beneath his shirt and said to him: "Come to India". When he awoke the dream seemed very real but he still felt that it might have been created out of his wish to go to India to see the great teacher. After several days of struggle he made up his mind to go so he canceled all his performance reservations and took a plane to India.When he arrived at Swami's (i.e. Sai Baba's) residence he took his place on the grounds at the end of a line of men. One of the devotees told him that he had arrived just in time for Darshan, in which Sai Baba circulates among his devotees giving sight of a holy person. Vemu sat quietly enjoying the feeling of peace that emanated from the place and waited patiently. Soon there was a stir at the other end of the lines and he caught sight of the orange colored robe of Sai Baba as he circulated slowly, gracefully among the devotees, stopping briefly to talk to some, to create vibhutti for some lucky ones, or to take letters from others. As Sai Baba got closer, Vemu felt his excitement and anxiety increase. As he saw the robe and delicate feet approach him he could not bear to look directly into his face, encircled with a halo of hair and so he cast his glance downward onto the ground. His heart was in his mouth and his body became rigid as he noticed the feet approach ever closer. Vemu had written a letter to give to Sai Baba but he had completely lost his wits and did not even think to hand it to him. He felt Baba take the letter from his hand and then he raised him up and he heard him say in a quiet voice: "Go inside and wait".Vemu went inside and when at last he faced Sai Baba alone in the interview room, Sai Baba created vibhutti for him and rubbed it on his left shoulder under his shirt just as he had done in the dream. Then Sai Baba began to discuss the obstacles in his life showing complete familiarity with his career struggle, his desire to play the veena, his depression, and other details of his daily life. As the talk ended, Baba circled his hand and produced out of air a five faced rudraksha bead in a gold setting at the end of a gold chain. He gave it to Vemu to wear constantly and told him that he would have great success both in his new career and in his spiritual progress. He then invited Vemu to play the veena at a musical concert to be held at the Sathya Sai College in Brindavan.When the time of the concert came, Vemu brought along his eighty year old father who had been a close devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. His father told the son he would just sit outside on the outer grounds and wait. But when Sai Baba learned the father was present he immediately called him inside and in Vemu's words: "For a whole hour Swami talked to my father like a loving mother to her child. After that my father was a changed man." Now the entire family, Vemu's father, mother, brother and all the other members of the family are followers of Sathya Sai Baba.

From a story in Sai Baba, Avatar by Howard Murphet. Birth Day Publishing. San Diego, CA. 92107

Australian Theosophist

Howard Murphet, Australian and chief of the British press section at the Nuremberg trials.. wrote several books about Baba. The first is called Sai Baba: Man of Miracles. Another is calledvSai Baba: Avatar. Murphet told many beautiful leelas in the books. He and his
wife were affiliated with the Madras Theosophical Society for many years. Howard has left his body and is now with God.

Many believe that the Nuremberg trials were a violent violation of God's law, as the victors
were involved in state murder, or execution.

Odyssey Of Gay Devotees

GM lived with a man for 7 years in Manhattan.. who was unfaithful to her...she gravitated out of self protection into women's movements where through contact with gay radical feminists she became gay. She composed poetry and read it over WBAI. Her life was still full of pain.. One day she saw a picture of Baba on a book and was drawn to it.. she mentally said to Baba that He could be her goddess. That began 4 years of celibacy.She made more than l trip to Puttaparthi..toward the end of her 4th year of abstinence..she had an interview with Swami. He told her to go to Arkansas... she knew no one there..but she obeyed.. A Sai devotee gave her a number to call...and that began the journey to meeting her husband. They have been married for 20 years and have 2 daughters.

SS, a male, was gay. He had only l relationship.. a short one of a few months.. Upon becoming a follower of Sai Baba he began again his celibacy.. and for the last 30 years has continued his monk's life. He was, he says, a Jesuit priest in the 19th century, and contemptuous in that life of those with sexual drive. He feels that he was given a brief bit of karma with gay lifestyle in order to be more understanding. Once after many years of celibacy, he had a dream in which Baba
was barred from entering his apartment by a slender lavender thread across the door. He knew Baba was telling him that though his actions were in accord with ancient dharma, his
thoughts at that time were not always aligned.

Several other devotees were gay for a while..before becoming devotees.. they gradually felt through the years their polarity changing. Baba's teachings emphasize fidelity, nonviolence, truth and righteousness.

The Beatles

The 4 Beatles went to see Baba. 3 got interviews. John Lennon did not. John Lennon was a brilliant, generous, charismatic, gifted and courageous man who was hounded by the FBI for his actions against the Vietnam violence. However he invested in a cattle ranch. While George Harrison and Paul McCartney were very public in their vegetarian abstention from animal flesh, Lennon made a karmic mistake. Writer is aware of the Starseed Transmissions quote:
You do not have enough data to assign value to any action.

Mumbai Surgeon And Magician

Mumbai (Bombay) Parsi Oral Surgeon And Magician Dr. Eruch Fanibunda is an oral surgeon in Bombay. His hobby is magic and he was given an award by the International Brotherhood of Magicians for developing new magic technique. He lived at Baba's ashram for 5 years and had numerous occasions on which to investigate Baba's power. He wrote the book Vision of the Divine about his belief that Baba's power is genuine divine power and not magic.


Sanskrit, the language in which the Bhagavad Gita was written, is the mother of all other languages. It has been called by William Jones of the Asiatic Society 'more perfect than Latin, more copious than Greek and more exquisitely refinedthan either.' It is the only language whose syllables when sounded create a pattern which matches the written character of the syllable. Its syllables are each linked to a different star. It is a sacred language which has spiritual meditation words which might take 50 English words each to describe. The Ramayana,
the story of Avatar Rama, was written 20,000 years ago in this language which has 8 conjugations and 8 declensions. A few years ago,
Egyptologists were told by geologists that the sphinx is 18,000 years old.

Ha Siddur Ha Shalom: Birnbaum Orthodox Hymnal

A follower of Baba went during a religious holiday to her Rhode Island temple.. and was fingering through the Birnbaum Orthodox hymnal when she saw a hymn written by a medieval rabbi who had written down his vision of God. He wears an orange robe..his name is truth.. and his hair is first gray and then black. Once at the ashram someone complained that Baba was becoming gray and He passed his hand through his hair.. it was again black. Sathya is Sanskrit for Truth.
Baba was given the name Sathya by His parents.

Muslim Prophecies About Baba

There is a mosque at Baba's Puttaparthi, built for His Muslim followers.

From the book Mysteries Ancient and Modern by S A Grafio,
published by Sterling Press:

In the ancient Arabic book Mehdi Moud (V 3 Ocean of Light)
14th Edition.. in which the prognostication made by the Prophet Mohammed had been recorded many centuries before it was
foreseen that God Himself would descend on Earth carrying the
signs of recognition:
His clothing will be like a flame.
He will wear two robes.
His front teeth will be spaced apart.
His forehead will be large and concave.
His hair will be profuse.
(Bible: The Ancient of Days has hair likewool)
His nose will be small with a slight hump on the bridge.
He will have a mole on his cheek.
The colour of his face will sometimes be like copper, sometimes yellow
like gold, and sometimes shining like the moon.
He will give gifts that are light in weight.
His devotees will collect under a great tree.
(Bhajans in Bangalore occur under a great tree, and the
wish fulfilling tree off of which Baba pulls many different
kinds of fruits is foretold in the Christian scripture: Revelation)
He will go round amongst devotees and touch their heads with his hand.
All the treasures of the world will be under his feet.
All the things you will ask from God, he (the Master of the World)
will give you.All the teachings in the world will be in his heart from birth.
His devotees will crane their necks to see him (2.3 million in the village in 1 birthday celebration alone)
He will live on a hill.
His house will be a square.
He will make the world light and full of grace.
Every eye that will see him will be happy, not only humans but
disembodied souls.
He will live 95 years on Earth (Sai Baba says that he will retain his body until the 96th year. Indians very logically call the actual day of birth the first birth date)
So as not to be deceived you should know that
the Master of the World will bring things out of his body through
his mouth. (Baba materializes crystal and other material orbs and ovals called linga from
his mouth.)

Om of Smith College

Anthropology and the Hundred Rupee Note

Om was a graduate of Smith College in anthropology who went to India to 'study the natives' and stayed to learn at their feet. She became a sannyasi, a celibate monk who renounces all possessions and all desire-motivated actions. She said that when she was in need she would find that Baba had materialized a 100 rupee note for her in the middle of the road she was walking along.. or that He had caused someone to hand her a meal ticket. It cost $1 a day to live at Baba's ashram in 1980. It is probably a little more now. He subsidizes the costs so that the poorest of the poor may afford to be there.

Baba's pet name for Om was Hysteria. Her everflowing humor lifts everyone who knows her.

Colonel Herrera

In the 1980's the Wall St. Journal carried a front page story about Colonel Herrera, a subordinate of Noriega. Someone kept coming to him in dreams and visions guiding him to tell the truth about Noriega.. that he would not be harmed. He said that the person coming to him was Sai Baba. Herrera said he was kept under house arrest but never harmed. (Those in the US government who worked with Noriega to disseminate drugs have not been apprehended.. they are more powerful politically than he.)

Maynard Ferguson and Marshall H

Maynard Ferguson the famous jazz player told the writer that Baba had materialized for him a japamala (a necklace of double the number of rosary beads) and that he always had it with him.

Marshall H of Baltimore had suffered a heartbreak before going to the ashram...the breakup of a relationship with a woman devotee. Baba materialized for him a pure crystal japamala.. and told him to wear it around his neck.. that it would gradually take the pain out of his heart. He said that the pain had gone.

An Ohio tv anchorman had a green ring materialized for him when at the ashram.


Hunter Jeep Stalls

A hunter found his jeep stalled .... Baba drove by and told him he had just orphaned 2 cubs.. and told him to find them and take them to a sanctuary. After the hunter found the cubs, his jeep started. Baba told him he had stalled the hunter's jeep.

Cat Vibhuti

One story related by Dr. Eruch Fanibunda, a Bombay oral surgeon who wrote the Parsi book
A VISION OF THE DIVINE about Baba: a woman had been cooking fish (in violation of Hindu nonviolence ) for dinner.. her cat jumped up on the table.. she was upset and started slapping the cat... immediately every picture of Baba on the house walls began to sway.. and the cat's fur began to pour forth vibhuti.. sometime later she went to the ashram.. Baba passed her and tossed back a couple packets of vibhuti.. and said to her in Telugu: "these are for the cat".

Baba causes His vibhuti (ash.. usually grey.. but in many other colors as well) to appear on His pictures in tens of thousands of places around the world. The writer has seen this at Dr Pani's home in Bethesda, at Hari A's home in Riverdale, Maryland, and in Kamakura Japan... on His picture near the Amita Buddha. She was told about a 3 foot mound of vibhuti in Wembly in the UK and about one in Nairobi. Vibhuti is a symbol of desirelessness, whatis left when the fires of desire have burned away. Through it He does countless miracles,although no matter is necessary for the healings He wills.

When EKB was studying for a law exam in Ohio, she smelled vibhuti. She was not at that time a devotee..but recognized the smell havingbeen exposed to vibhuti before.

An Infinite Aura

Frank Baranowski, who has been a teacher at the Univ of Arizona, went around the world examining auras. Through his eyes the average person's aura was a few inches. 200 masters around the world, he said, had auras from 1 to 3 feet.When he saw Baba, this Catholic knelt down, for Baba's primary aura through Frank's eye prism was over 40 feet and His secondary aura had no end to it.

Muslim Woman Poet.. Author Of Baba Book


2 of her online books are available to all.

Those who believe in Mohammad's body, know that it is no more, but those who put their trust in Allah, consider that He is ever living." These are the words of Abu Baker Siddiq (Peace be on him), spoken boldly to a confused and grief stricken multitude of Muslims on the event of passing away of the Prophet of Islam. The experience is repeated at the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RZA), at the fall of mighty Islamic empires, after the demolishing of cities ami places of worship. Time has proved one truth: "All that is on earth will perish but the face of Allah will abide" (The Quran LX:27). Also there has grown with the passing of centuries the distrust of the physical, the World of phenomena as ungodly, even evil. Individually too each mind has absorbed this sense of duality of the Manifest (Al-Zahir) and the Hidden (Al-Batin). Then comes a time when the awareness realizes that the formless One-Allah is both this and that. They are the contours of only One Face. This is what is confirmed in every call for prayer - Allah-Ho-Akbar (God is Great - He encompasses all.)
Usually the muslim mind does not grasp this truth. Belief remains at the verbal level, limited and unbending. Only when the stars fall down, the Moon and the Sun darken, the consciousness is forced to introspect, to accept that Truth is only one - it may be called with different names. Each soul tastes the bitter cup of hardship and humility to begin its return to Allah.
My time also came. It was my good luck that it happened at Sai Baba's holy feet. For more than fifteen years He has educated me about Truth, through the medium known to me - the dialect of my own religion, without speaking one word at the physical level. The writings of Sufi Masters, the re-learning of the Quran from a different angle has uplifted my mind from narrow grooves. Today, when Baba gives a discourse my ears grasp the Quranic truths in His words. Though many will not understand the experience related in the following chapters they are not coincidences nor illusions of a paranoid consciousness. The emphasis is not on the events or "miracles." The change in the mind is focussed on and stressed. If pious Muslim minds consider my equating Baba's words with the Quranic verses as shocking I beg for forgiveness. For me, like the Truth, they are one. Who can divide light because the bulbs are different? Faith cannot be imposed, especially when the Quran itself has asserted that "to each is given a goal to which God turns him; then strive together towards all that is good..." (The Quran II:148)